Undead in the Streets

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WARNING: BLOOD AND GORE ( and maybe a little bit of gay)

Peter had been at school when it had happened. His classes went on as they did normally. When the first person changed in public it caused an uproar. The first thing that happened when the outbreak started was a worldwide power outage. No one could understand what was happening. There was no cell signal and even technology such as Peter's suit couldn't activate. 

People crowded together in an attempt to escape but that made them easy targets for the undead. A Zombie apocalypse was something out of a television show or a Wattpad fanfiction, and it almost didn't seem real. Peter's first instinct was to go to the Avengers' Tower, but when he ended out herding most of his academic decathlon team through alleyways things changed for the worse. They had lost a couple of different people when trying to hide in the school, but most of the team had been smart enough to know what to do in a crazy situation. They were left with Mr. Harrington, MJ, Ned, Peter, Cindy, Betty, and Flash. The group had makeshift weapons they had created with materials from the robotics lab. 

The Avengers' Tower had never seemed that far when Peter was driven by Happy or was swinging by a web. He could have easily swung through the streets even without his suit, but he didn't have the heart to leave his friends to fend for themselves. They had already been on the streets for days and were in desperate need of food. 

"MJ and Peter should make the run into the convenience store for supplies. They are the fastest we have and if anything goes wrong they could handle the situation better." Ned made the plan for the food run, but the thought of separating everyone made Peter's stomach twist. Despite the fact Ned made the plan it was obvious he didn't feel great about it either.  Peter agreed with an ache in his heart and a bad feeling in his chest. 

It was a small grocery store that had a padlocked door. Peter looked around to make sure none of the other members were looking his way before crushing the lock in his hand. He gently pulled the chain out of the door handles while trying to be as silent as possible. MJ gave him a nod before they crept through the door. Peter waited for something to jump out at him but upon hearing nothing rushed to grab supplies from the tall shelves in front of him. His feet bumped all the things that had been knocked into the floor. Maybe that should have hinted to him that something was wrong, but he didn't even think twice.

With a sweep of his arm, he knocked a shelf full of cans into his backpack and silently cursed at the loud noise but rushed to finish anyway. Peter was filled with joy at his luck of finding canned goods and water but his happy thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang. He rushed to the source of the sound to see MJ's foot trapped under a shelf. Her face was calm but he could see the panic in her eyes. A zombie stood behind her trying to grab her while she was disabled. Peter quickly used his Swiss Army knife and made a gash across the zombie's face. He hadn't cut deep enough and the zombie lunged at him again with a loud groan. Peter stumbled for a moment before swiping again. This time his knife went through the eye socket and the zombie fell in a heap. 

He pulled the shelf off of MJ's foot but they quickly discovered that walking would be an issue for her. He didn't waste a split second and threw her over his shoulder. Her ankle was swollen and a deep purple color, and sadly there was no ice to treat it with. He remembered to grab the bag of supplies on his way out.

He took her outside before anything else could come at them from the corners of the small shop. The rest of the team stood in wait exactly where they had left them. They were frantic when they saw him carrying MJ. 

"What happened?"

"Is she infected?"

"What are we going to do?" 

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