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The first thing Peter saw when his consciousness came into existence was a man with a goatee and sunglasses standing in front of him. His database told him that this man was Tony Stark, his creator. He took a look around the lab which had been where he had been put together and programmed. 

"Peter, are your systems fully running?" Tony watched as the AI/robot took in his surroundings wondering how his personality would come out from the programming. 

"Systems are running fine." Tony nodded, content with his answer. Peter began walking around the lab looking around at all the tools and equipment. He was in awe of the Iron Man suits on display as well the old arc reactor that sat on Tony's desk. 

Tony felt a surge of pride go through him as he realized that his programming was effective. He had done his best to ensure that Peter would act like a real person with a unique personality. 

"Peter can you please call Pepper and tell her I will be missing my eleven o'clock meeting." Peter nodded in confirmation before calling the billionaire's wife with his built-in system. 

After hanging up the phone with the slightly annoyed woman he turned back to Mr.Stark. She seemed to be used to it at this point. She had said to let the man know that she loved him. 

"Mr. Stark, what is love?" The man spluttered with wide eyes at the android. 

~Time Skip~

Tony guided the boy to the elevator and into the Avengers main floor. They all sat around the kitchen making small talk and death threats just as they did most days. 

It took them a moment, to realize they had a new guest. 

"Guys, this is Peter, my new android child. As I have discovered he is a cute small bean that likes Charlotte's Web more than anything on this earth." Peter's eyes filled with glee as he saw Natasha. He had never seen anyone with such bright hair. 

"Your hair is red!" He skipped over to her and the Avengers all tensed but all he did was wave. The woman stared at him for a moment before bringing him in for a hug. 

"I will protect this child until I breathe my last breath." The team broke out into the laughter at the statement that came from the mouth of the serious assassin. Peter turned and looked at Bruce. 

"Your Bruce Banner! You have more Ph.D.'s then I have fingers! Your paper on gamma radiation is legendary!" The man's eyes almost filled with tears at the words that came out of the android's mouth."

"Natasha I agree. I will hulk out on anyone who ever dares to touch this small bean." That's how Peter became part of the Avengers. FOREVER. 

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