No Wifi? Cell Connection?

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When Peter heard that the Avengers were taking him on a camping trip for the weekend he was ecstatic. He was looking forward to spending some time with his mom and dad (Pepper and Tony) and all of his aunts and uncles. He hadn't been expecting what would happen though. They were deep into the rocky mountains when they finally stopped to set up camp (in Colorado). 

He helped set up his tent and unload everything. Eventually, they all sat down in front of the campfire. Peter pulled out his phone to send some memes to Ned and MJ when he realized he had no cell or data connection. His eyes went wide and he tried to turn his phone off and back on to see if it would change. When he saw the outcome he shrieked. The team turned to look at him concerned.

"I have no cell service or wifi," he yelled. The team broke out into laughter at the boy's statement and some rolled their eyes jokingly. "Ok, I can handle it. Where's the bathroom?" The team proceeded to break out in laughter for a second time. "Why are you laughing?"

"Peter there is no bathroom." Peter's eyes widen before he felt like the life was draining out of his body. 

No Wifi, cell service, running water, or a bathroom. Peter was going to die. 

Sorry, it's short. Part 2?

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