Thank you all!

8.3K 108 3

I just want to thank you all so much for your support. You have made my dream come true with this book. Before this fanfic I only imagined getting this many reads was possible and I thought constantly about how long it would take me just to get a thousand reads. But now this has over 8k reads and over 400 votes! I am so thankful for all of you who have made this possible.

I also wanted to say something to all the writers lately who have been talking about how hard of a time they are having at school, home, and in their every day lives. I want to say I'm sorry that all of you are having such a tough time. I hope for all of you struggling with any problem no matter big or small for it to be wisked away and for you to be happy and to be able to do well. You are all such amazing writers and people. The Wattpad community is so welcoming. I just hope that all of you can be happy and for your problems to go away. So for any of you having a hard time just know that you are loved and that you are amazing.

Sorry if that sounds cheesy but it's true.

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