What'd You Say?

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Peter woke up feeling extremely tired. He had been out patrolling until 3 AM. He had also received an angry call from Tony to come home after Clint said something about it.

When Peter left he was in such a hurry that he didn't even realize that he had left his math homework sitting on his desk. He had been so hurried that he didn't even say goodbye to the other Avengers.

He barely made the subway. He jumper in a mere second before the door closed. He arrived at school and was welcomed by Flash and his lovely personality.

"Hey Penis Parker. Looking horrible as usual. Where'd you get your clothes? The lost and found?" Peter sighed before turning back to look at Flash. Being tired made him cranky so Peter gave a rude comeback.

"Where'd you get your bad personality? Juvie?" Flash gave Peter the middle finger before turning around and crossing his arms. Ned looked over at Peter surprised. Usually Peter tried his best to ignore Flash.

He could tell that Peter was tired. The bags under his eyes were very noticable. Peter suddenly felt his phone ringing in his pocket. He had a few minutes before class started so he answered it.

"Привет." (Hello.) He was surprised to hear Natasha on the other end of the line.
"вы забыли свою домашнюю работу." (You forgot your homework.) Peter felt a surge of annoyance.

"ты меня разыгрываешь!
вы можете просто спросить, придет ли счастливый, принесите меня?" (You've got to be kidding me! Can you just ask if Happy will come get me?) He heard Natasha sigh on the other end of the line.

"да маленький паук.до свидания." (Yes Little Spider. Bye.) He  was surprised when he looked up to see the class looking at him.

"What language were you speaking,"asked Cindy. Peter blushed and after a moment of thought decided to tell the truth.

"It's Russian. That was my aunt from Russia." They all nodded and turned back around in their seats. The teacher walked in and gave them their assignment before leaving for a teacher's meeting. Not before giving them a warning about how there was a teacher in the next room over who would be listening. They all sat quietly reading waiting for their teacher to return. Suddenly the door slammed open.

To Peter's surprise his Aunt Natasha walked in.

"Aunt Natasha?" He looked questioningly at her.

"Grab your things I came to bring you home. Besides your boyfriend is being a pest back at the tower. He's in highschool and he still manages to show up during the school day. "

"Sorry about Wade. Thanks for coming to get me though!" They walked out leaving the entire class gaping.

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