Missing Piece Part 2

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Peter was surprisingly calm for having just been dropped off on his home planet after months of endless searching through numerous, vast galaxies that most would never see in their lifetimes. What he hadn't been expecting was for someone named Stan to open the door to Aunt May's apartment. 

"Excuse me? I'm looking for May Parker?" The man's eye lit up with recognition when he heard her name. 

"She lived here before me, but you're a few months too late Buddy." Peter's heart dropped. What was he supposed to do now? He had no access to any sort of technology that could locate her. He didn't even have a cell phone anymore because he had traded it for currency on a foreign planet. 

Then an idea hit him like a brick to the face. Maybe if he could find Ned, he would know. So that's what he did. He found his way to Midtown High with a sense of nostalgia at the familiar place. As it was the middle of the day there were no students outside so he walked right through the door without being stopped. 

He walked past the office and was given several weird looks by the staff. He wasn't surprised seeing as he was wearing a Resistance Pilot's uniform Poe had gifted to him. He looked completely different. He changed his hair. He had left his curls on the top and shaved the sides to stop himself from getting too hot when he was working on the ship. He was also significantly taller and more tan then the last time he had been there. His face was still easily recognizable and several exclamations were heard from the few students who littered the halls.

All the doors to the classrooms were open and the seats were empty so he could only assume they were at lunch. He walked into the cafeteria and immediately looked for Ned. Most people were too caught up in their conversations to even notice his arrival. He felt his heart drop into his stomach when he saw Ned sitting solemnly at the end of one of the tables by himself. 

He approached him with all signs of hesitancy gone. He tapped him on the shoulder to which he replied with a startled yelp. When Ned turned to look at him his eyes went almost comically wide. 

"Peter!" Ned shouted. His eyes began to well up and spill over as he threw his arms around his bestfriend like he been waiting to do for so very long. 

You could've heard a pen drop as the other students witnessed the touching reunion. Shocked whispers and startled exclamations came from the crowd.

"Where have you been?" Ned spoke angrily as he shook Peter by the shoulders. 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Peter had begun to cry despite his original reservation to stay completely collected. Seeing the face of someone he had missed for so long seemed to pull the strings of his heart. 

Peter turned as he heard footsteps rushing to him. His heart almost stopped as MJ threw herself into his arms. Everyone in the cafeteria seemed to be in a state of disbelief as they all got a good view of his face. 

"You jerk! We waited for you! I waited for you!" Peter smiled warmly at his friend. 

"I missed you too MJ," he said as his heart welled with love for all of his friends. 

He was greeted by many people that he had known for so long. It saddened him to see that the people who had not been stuck in the Soul Stone were gone and had moved on in their lives as they were adults now.

It felt like there were gaps from where they used to reside. It felt almost wrong to be there without so many of the once familiar faces. He knew that it could never be the same and that feeling would never really fade but instead simply fade into the background. 

After talking with Ned and catching up on a lot of what had happened over the time he was gone, he finally had to go find May. He didn't know wether he should be scared or not to see her after all this time. He knew that she would be years older from the last time he had seen her. It hurt to think of the person who he thought of his parent had spent four years mourning for him only to spend several extra months with not even the remaining members of the team to help soothe her anxieties.

He knocked on the door hesitantly like it would bite him if he came too close. He heard a curse and some rummaging from the other side of the door and then the sounds of approaching footsteps. The door swung open but May still was distractedly looking behind her at the smoke he could assume was coming from the kitchen as she waved a towel around to try to clear it out. 

"Sorry there was a bit of an issue with a casserole I ma-" She stopped in her tracks as she saw who stood in the doorway. Her face fell at the sight of him. For a moment all she could do was stand there and lock onto him with her piercing gaze. She threw herself forward and pulled him desperately into her arms. 

"I'm mad at you, but I'm going to hug you before I start the yelling." Peter chuckled and tightened his arms around her feeling the familiar warm feeling. 

"Where have you been you little-" 


Pepper was surprised to get a call from May Parker. They hadn't spoken since they held the funeral for Peter and Tony seeing as it took a toll on the both of them.

"Is there anyway I can come to the tower? There's someone I think you need to see. I'll tell Happy to meet us there." May spoke fast and excitedly unlike she had been for a long time. 

"May what's goi-" Pepper spoke concerned for the woman.

"There's no time. Make sure security knows we're coming." May spoke quickly before hanging up the phone abruptly. 

Pepper let out a tired sigh before doing as May said. She would just have to meet whoever it was May wanted her to meet. 

Peter stood outside of Pepper's office anxiously. May didn't give him any time to collect himself as she hurriedly knocked on the door. Pepper called out for them to enter the room and Peter turned the knob hesitantly. The door made a loud creak as he pushed it open. Happy and Pepper sat in chairs by the desk waiting patiently for them to come in but upon seeing the unexpected guest they shot to their feet. 

"Peter?" The two spoke at the same time, Pepper spoke in disbelief and Happy in a tone that conveyed the heartbreak he'd felt. He nodded unsure what to do. He didn't have to think about it for very long because soon he was wrapped in a four person hug. 

Does anyone want a part three where he sees the Avengers and Wade (as his boyfriend)?



Please comment and leave feedback. 


If you could take any class (you can make one up), what would it be? 

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