Quarantine Boredom

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Peter had been home stuck in his room for one hour so far. One hour.  He had been convinced when they told him that he'd been exposed that he'd be able to handle it. He'd been through a lot in his sixteen years. This should have been nothing. 

He'd gone in a giant donut to space to where he was turned to dust, he'd defeated his crush's evil father who dealt alien weapons, he'd gone against Captain America in Germany and even stole his shield (which was pretty cool btw). Despite having gone through all of this, after a measly hour of being alone, he was falling apart from the seams. 

He'd finished his homework already and created a list of things he could do to pass the time. Doing the things he loved doing just wasn't the same without the people he loved doing them with. 

-2 hours in Quarantine

Peter spent the next hour assembling part of a lego set he had received for Christmas last year. Doing it without Ned's colorful commentary proved to be the exact opposite of fun. So he moved on to looking over some old flashcards from his quantum physics class he'd taken last year at NYU. 

They kept him entertained for about thirty minutes before he was tired of them just like everything else he'd already done. 

-3 hours in Quarantine

Peter had resorted to cleaning and organizing his room. His bookshelf was sorted by color and size and his closet had been deep cleaned and his shoes were neatly stacked. 

He had dusted, wiped down his windows, and remade his bed pristinely. 

-4 hours in Quarantine

Peter had now resorted to scrolling through Pinterest and Facebook in a desperate attempt to find anything to keep his mind occupied.  

-5 hours in Quarantine

Pinterest and Facebook had lost their appeal and he was now hunting through Netflix in an attempt to find something to binge-watch. After careful deliberation, he decided on Criminal Minds. 

-12 hours in Quarantine

Peter had been watching Criminal Minds for seven hours now and despite the show being really good, he needed a break badly. 

It hadn't even been a full day yet but Peter knew that this may very well be the longest two weeks of his life. If only it was tomorrow. 

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I'm writing this chapter from quarantine because in the US if you are sitting next to someone in any class that tests positive you must stay home for two weeks even if you test negative. I already feel a little insane sitting in my room and being isolated away from the rest of my family. Entertainment is needed. 

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