The One When Emily Misses Stefan

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The Radkova witch had been building up her magic for over three weeks now. Emily was slowly but surely getting stronger and more powerful the more that she practiced her magic. Emily found herself really enjoying doing different spells and studying about the Protectors of the Innocence -- with the help of Bonnie and Deaton. It didn't feel like a burden to her anymore like Emily originally had felt about her powers.

However, now, the Radkova witch was in a slump. After gaining control of her powers and feeling in content as a witch, Emily found herself thinking and missing Stefan horribly. Emily could feel herself slipping back into that depressive state as she grew more and more worried for her boyfriend.

The Radkova witch honestly couldn't count how many times in the last week that she had gotten into an argument with Damon about going out and finding Stefan. It always resulted in Damon locking her in the bedroom or them yelling at each other.

Emily knew Damon was right, though, when they argued about going to find Stefan. It was always the same thing. Damon would tell her that it would be too dangerous and Klaus would kill her on the spot but that didn't mean that Emily wanted to just give up and forget about Stefan.

Today, Emily had three different arguments with Damon over the Stefan and Klaus situation before one in the afternoon. The Radkova witch grew frustrated with the eldest Salvatore after the last yelling match, so Emily hid herself in the comfort of Stefan's bed.

The Radkova witch released a heavy sigh as she stared outside of the balcony window to where the sun was widely shining while she cuddled with Stefan's pillow. "Stupid sun," Emily mumbled as she felt like the perfect weather was mocking her and her down mood.

Emily rolled her green eyes when she suddenly heard a knock on the bedroom door. "I haven't escaped!" The Radkova witch shouted as she figured it was Damon checking on her after their argument about going to search for Stefan. The brunette girl wasn't stupid enough to try to climb down the balcony when she was on the second floor of the Salvatore boarding house.

The Radkova witch released a loud groan when the knocking continued. Emily sluggishly pushed herself out of her boyfriend's comfortable and comforting bed before she opened the door with a harsh glare. However, when Emily saw that it wasn't the older Salvatore but Bonnie, the Radkova witch relaxed her hard face and held the door open for Bonnie to enter.

After the Bennett witch had entered Stefan's bedroom, Emily quickly slammed the door close before she practically tossed herself back into her boyfriend's bed. "What's up? What are you doing here?" The Radkova witch mumbled the question with the side of her face pressed into Stefan's soft pillow. Emily knew that she didn't have any witchy meetings with either Bonnie or Deaton, so she didn't know why the Bennett witch would be stopping by.

Bonnie shot the young witch a soft smile before she took a seat across from Emily on the large king sized bed. "I know you've been struggling with the whole Stefan situation," the Bennett witch mentioned before she jokingly stated, "and you're probably getting tired of arguing with Damon over it."

The Radkova witch released a loud scoff as she briefly interrupted Bonnie. "That would be an understatement," Emily muttered as she pushed herself up to lean against her boyfriend's headboard and looked across at the Bennett witch. "I'm days away from figuring out a spell to permanently shutting his mouth for good," Emily mumbled as she was almost at her breaking point of listening to Damon and fighting with him over finding the younger Salvatore.

Bonnie couldn't help but release a small, amused chuckle at the young witch's annoyance for Damon. It was very understandable but it would probably cause more problems than they needed right now if Emily were to do that. "Well, I come bearing some good news," the Bennett witch told Emily as she pulled out the Radkova grimoire, that she had borrowed this morning, from her brown leather messenger bag.

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