The One With The Wall

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It took the group that consisted of the vampire, the witch, the human doppelganger, and the werewolf another hour of driving along with another hour of Damon and Tyler arguing over Black Sabbath's best album before they finally reached Chicago.

Emily groaned in relief once she was released from the back seat of the Mustang and got the chance to move her cramped body after such a long road trip.

The Radkova witch stretched her arms above her head before she turned her neck a few times to get rid of any sort of tightness. Emily then bent her knees and shook out her legs to make sure she could actually walk without any aching or soreness.

Once Emily's body felt more relaxed and normal again, the Radkova witch finally looked around her surroundings. Everything seemed very plain, Emily realized. There was only dull-looking buildings all around them.

"Where are we?" Elena curiously inquired after she rounded the Mustang and moved to stand beside Damon, who quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and brought Elena into his chest.

"Welcome to Stefan's palace," the blue eyed vampire sarcastically exclaimed as Damon used his free hand to point towards the grey building in front of them.

Emily silently took a few steps forward until she was standing in front of the building's sign. It read 'Chicago's East-Side Complex' in thick black letters.

It definitely wasn't a place that the Radkova witch would ever imagine seeing Stefan living in. It was all very dull and boring and not very homey at all. It didn't help that the apartment building wasn't in the safest of areas in town, either.

"Stefan could live anywhere in Chicago," the Lockwood werewolf began as he moved to stand shoulder to shoulder with Emily before he asked as he voiced the Radkova witch's own confusion, "why did you chose a dump like this?"

Damon released an amused chuckle as he led the group into the apartment building. "There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner," the Salvatore vampire recalled as the supernatural beings climbed the staircase to the second floor.

Damon looked over his shoulder towards the Radkova with a wide smirk before he uttered, "it shut down for attendance issues." The Salvatore vampire released a loud gasp once they stepped out on the hallway before he murmured, "I wonder how that happened."

Emily rolled her green eyes at the Salvatore vampire. "I know what I signed up for," the Radkova witch exclaimed as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared over at Damon. "I know old Stefan wasn't the avid animal eater that he is today," Emily muttered.

Damon turned around and took slow steps towards the eldest Gilbert girl. "It doesn't make your skin crawl that he has killed a lot of young girls? Someone's innocent daughter?" The Salvatore vampire taunted.

Emily didn't back down one bit like most people would against Damon. "If Lena can look past all of your murdering ways, I think I'm fine," the Radkova witch snarked.

The Salvatore vampire stared deeply into Emily's green eyes for a tense moment before Damon carelessly shrugged his shoulders. "Touché," Damon murmured with a grin before he turned around and continued to lead the group down the hallway.

"If you think Stefan's old stories are going to scare me, then you are sadly mistaken," Emily uttered in annoyance as she followed after the Salvatore vampire with Tyler glued to her side and Elena walking ahead of her.

Damon stopped walking once the group reached the correct door before he looked over to the Radkova witch with a heavy sigh. "I'm not trying to scare you," Damon promised before he informed the brunette girl, "I'm just preparing you for the shit show you are about to see."

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