The One With The Check-Up

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The Radkova witch's side effects had been getting a lot worse over the past few days since her little episode in front of Elena at their twin night. It was starting to happen in public, too, which Emily wasn't exactly thrilled about when she was trying to hide these episodes from her loved ones.

The last one Emily had was yesterday afternoon at school and she was, once again, almost caught by Elena. The Gilbert twins had been walking to class after their lunch period when another episode flared.

Emily wasn't sure how it even happened. One second she was talking to Elena about hanging out at the grill later and then the bell rang before Emily found herself in another trance. Emily could only remember seeing a wolf-like shadow around the corner of the lockers before everything just went blank.

Emily wasn't sure how long her twin sister shook her for but it had to be at least a couple of minutes from how worried Elena had been staring at her. It took Emily probably twice as long for her to convince Elena that she was okay.

Emily, of course, had to lie to her twin sister once again for her strange behavior. The Gilbert girl's lie wasn't as big as she told Elena that she didn't sleep well. Emily was having issues sleeping but that wasn't why she was in a trance. Emily was thankful that Elena believed her but that didn't stop the human girl from keeping an eye on Emily for the rest of the day.

One of the other big side effects that the Radkova witch had been dealing with a lot lately was nightmares. In the last week, Emily had woken up screaming her lungs out three times. The nightmares was an easier side effect to lie about since their daily lives seemed like they belonged in a horror film.

It was a Saturday morning when Emily decided that she would call the druid of Beacon Hills to see if Deaton had found any solutions for her side effects yet. The last time the young witch talked to Deaton was a week ago and Deaton promised that he would look into any spells or potions that would be able to help her. Emily really hoped the druid found something useful.

The Radkova witch didn't want any vampire or any noisy human (Elena) to hear her conversation with the druid, so Emily secretly borrowed Jenna's Honda and headed to the old Fell's Church. Emily knew no one ever came out here anymore. She didn't think anyone has been out here since before Klaus arrived in Mystic Falls.

The only reason people would come out this far out of town is for a spell or to go inside of the tomb. Emily knew she would be safe from running into any unfamiliar vampires with Katherine, Klaus, and Elijah out of Mystic Falls for the time being.

The Gilbert girl grabbed her laptop and her cell phone from the passenger seat before Emily stepped foot on the place where the Fell's Church used to stand. Emily scanned the area for a few seconds before she found a large oak tree a few yards in front of her. Emily walked up to the tree before she sat underneath it, so she would have some shade to see her laptop screen.

Emily placed her laptop on her thighs and opened it up before she logged into her account. The young witch moved her curser over to the blue Skype icon before she went to her recent calls. Emily pressed on the first name before her laptop started to ring as she called the druid from Beacon Hills.

The Gilbert girl only had to wait for three rings before Deaton's kind face appeared on her laptop screen. Emily immediately noticed that Deaton was at the familiar animal clinic. Emily figured someone had an accident with their animal since Deaton was rarely at work on Saturdays.

"Emily, hello," the druid greeted the young witch with a soft smile on his face.

The Gilbert girl lightly waved her hand as she smiled back at the older man. "Good morning," Emily murmured as she greeted the druid.

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