The One With The Q&A

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The morning after telling Bonnie, Caroline, and Damon about the heart resurrection spell, the Radkova witch decided that it would be best to hold a little meeting at the Salvatore boarding house to catch everyone else up to speed about her plan of bringing Elena back to the side of the living. Emily still had to tell Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy, and Tyler, so she figured this way would work the best incase anyone had any questions and she could answer them all in one setting.

The Radkova witch was positive that everyone would be on board as soon as they find out about her plan. Emily just wanted to personally tell Bonnie and Damon first since Bonnie was a witch and could help her understand everything and, of course, Damon because he's dating her sister, the person she was trying to bring back to life.

Emily would have loved to have told her own boyfriend about this and have Stefan by her side but that just wasn't possible right now. Maybe it was a good thing, Emily thought to herself. The Radkova witch was sure Stefan would try to stop her if he knew how dangerous this spell would be for Emily's body and soul.

The sun was barely setting when the Gilbert girl began setting everything up in the living room of the Salvatore boarding house for the meeting. Emily had spent all morning typing up every detail that the grimoire said about the heart resurrection spell and the important bits that Deaton had emailed her about (minus the things about what would happen to her after the spell) and printed it all out.

The Gilbert girl had just neatly piled the packets of information together on the coffee table when they was suddenly a knock at the front door. Emily headed into the hallway and stopped when she reached the staircase. "I'll get it!" The Radkova witch yelled as she knew Damon was upstairs.

Emily continued walking into the foyer and opened the door before she found Jenna and Alaric on the other side. "Hey!" The Gilbert girl murmured with a grin as she briefly wrapped her arms around Alaric's waist for a hug before she also hugged her aunt. "How are you doing?" Emily inquired as she connected her green eyes to Jenna's hazel ones.

"I'm doing better everyday that goes by. I'm slowly getting used to this whole vampire thing," Jenna murmured as she nodded her head. The Sommers vampire released a light chuckle before she joked, "I never thought I would be taking pointers from Caroline Forbes."

Emily released a small chuckle of her own. "I'm sure Care loves helping you out," the Gilbert girl stated before she murmured as she shot her aunt a soft smile, "but I'm happy you're handling everything so well."

"I'm lucky to have Ric by my side to keep me in line," Jenna uttered with a small grin on her face as she wrapped her arm around the Saltzman man's waist and leaned against his chest.

Alaric smiled down at his girlfriend as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled Jenna into his chest. The vampire hunter lightly kissed his vampire girlfriend's temple before Alaric focused his attention onto the Gilbert girl. "So, what did you call a meeting for?" Alaric inquired.

Emily knew all of her family and friends were going to be very curious since she only texted everyone in a group chat that she had something important to say, so no one had any idea why she was calling this meeting -- especially since Emily never has been one to call any sort of a meeting. That was usually a Damon, Alaric, or Stefan thing to do.

"I finally have some good news," Emily exclaimed with a grin before she stated, "but I want to wait until everyone else shows up first before I say anything."

"They better hurry then," Jenna joked, "Ric doesn't exactly know the meaning of waiting and being patient."

Alaric rolled his blue eyes at his girlfriend's teasing but he couldn't help but look at Jenna with so much love in his gaze. Alaric got lucky with Jenna. He would forever be grateful that he got a second chance to be with Jenna despite the fact that she is now a vampire.

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