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Ayyyyyeee she's back from the dead. I promise I wasn't being lazy and not updating, I was actually writing chapters ahead of time to get really ahead.

I have so many ideas for the rest of this book that my mind was just rolling.

Anyway anyway, you probably want to get to this chapter so...

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


"Hey, honey. Have you been ignoring your moms texts?" Scott asked as he walked into their shared bedroom.

Mitch head snapped up, "Why?" He asked quickly.

Scott chuckled, "She texted me asking if you got a new number and then asked me if we were free tonight."

Mitch let out a bitter laugh, "I just had lunch with her lasts week."

"Scott sat on the bed next to Mitch, scooting Mitch's laptop away from him and moving Mitch to face Scott, "She's your mom, mein schatz... she's sorry and wants to spend time with you."

"Yeah but like... I just wanted to ease into it. She's just coming in, acting like she never left."

"If you feel that way then tell her."

"What the actual hell am I gonna say to her? Oh hey mom, I don't want to spend time with you, I actual still kinda hate you. Fuck no." Mitch said, sassily.

"Okay, watch the attitude. I'm trying to help so don't get defensive. Tell her she's coming off a little too strong, and say you want a little more space."

Mitch groaned, "I don't want to have to do this. It's her fault. If she didn't kick me out then we could've gotten through it together and our mother-son relationship wouldn't be broken."

"Hey, do not go placing blame. She was grieving, hurting, she did something she regretted. Your mom was like a friend to you, if you keep holding onto this grudge, you'll never get that back."

"Maybe I don't want it back!"

Although Mitch was getting defensive and angry, Scott stayed calm.

"Yes, you do. We both know that. She's your mom, Mitchie.. and I know you miss her more than you're leading on. You kiss the bond you had with her, you miss the days she's comforted you when your dad didn't understand your sexuality, you miss her support. You miss your mom."

Mitch looked down at his lap, fidgeting with his hands. Scott reached a hand up, petting the side of Mitch's head, something Mitch loved when Scott did it, and then rested his hand on Mitch's cheek,  lifting his head up.

Scott met Mitch's eyes, "You don't have to put up this front for me, babygirl. It's basically useless because I always see right through it," Scott joked, "You miss your mom, Mitchie, and that's okay. I know you feel as if you have to hate her because of what she did, but you don't have to feel that way towards her. I know you want what you had with her back, but you can't do that if you're continuously trying to convince yourself you hate her. Or if you're distancing yourself from her. She wants to be your mom again, Mitchie."

"But why'd it have to be now? Why'd it have to be at a time when I felt so secure in myself and was finally confident in myself and where I am in life. Why'd she have to come in then?"

"I don't know, baby boy, but don't focus on the negative, okay? Focus on the positive."

Mitch nodded, sighing and biting his bottom lip in thought.

"I love you, alright?"

Mitch looked up, "I love you too," he whispered

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