13-Jeongchan : Sibling Rivalry

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Requested by: @apinkmilk

Title: Sibling Rivalry

Ship: Jeongchan

"Noona!" Jeongin called, opening his sister's room door. A big smile was presented on his face.

His sister groaned as she set down her makeup brush. She turned to her younger brother who looked over happy.

"What?" She said, obviously annoyed that he was coming to bother her.

"Remember that guy I was telling you about? He's coming over tomorrow!" Jeongin cheered, jumping up and down.

Jeongin has come out to his family two years ago, so the fact he was freaking out over a guy was no surprise to either.

"Oh, really. What did you say his name was?" She said, standing up from her spot on the floor.

Hyein was only a year older than her brother, so getting along with her brother was not a problem. Though, they did have their fights and did get annoyed with each other.

"Chan." Jeongin answered.

"Come here." She patted a spot beside her on her bed as she sat down. Jeongin skipped over and sat down next to her.

"You nervous?" Hyein asked.

"A little." Jeongin confessed.

"Don't be. I'm pretty sure this Chan dude will like you." She reassured.

"Hyein noona! I didn't say I like him in that way." Jeongin pouted. Hitting his sister's shoulder, lightly.

"I'm kidding. Will he stay for dinner?"

"I hope so."

"Well, go! I wanna finish what I was doing." Hyein pushed her brother brother up and out of her room.

Jeongin left into his own room, squealing as soon as his door shut.

He may have said he did not like Chan, but oh boy, was he a good liar.

He had the biggest crush on the older.

"You look fine, Jeongin."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! You look like a fricken adorable bean in that outfit!"

Hyein and Jeongin were the male's room, Jeongin wearing a blue sweater with some jeans.

"Besides, he's just coming over to hang out, right?" She asked, looking at her brother with crossed arms.

"That doesn't keep me from getting nervous." Jeongin grumbled.

Hyein chuckled at her younger brother when the doorbell rang, signaling that Jeongin's one and only crush has arrived.

Jeongin pushed his sister out of the room, rushing down the stairs to answer the door. Hyein followed after, wanting to get a glimpse of the boy.

She felt guilt take over her when her eyes landed on the perfect human being that her brother wished to call his.

His silver hair and sweet smile made Hyein melt. But she knew her limits, and shook the feelings off. This was Jeongin's man, he called him first. Off limits to her unless Jeongin decides otherwise.

"Noona! Come meet Chan Hyung!" Jeongin yelled, Hyein standing from the stairwell as Chan was invited in.

She walked down with a smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Hyein. From what I heard, I believe I'm younger." She introduced.

Chan nodded. "It's nice to meet you. And yes, I believe I'm older. But I don't expect honorifics as we just met each other." Chan chuckled, the same heart melting smile appearing.

Hyein felt her heart speed up, along with her wall of guilt building up. This man was off limits yet her feelings were getting the best of her.

"Well, I'm going to go help mom with dinner. You two have fun." Hyein said, excusing herself mostly for the sake of the guilt to die down.

Jeongin pulled Chan upstairs, happily hooping up the stairs to his room. The two planned to play some video games.

"Hyein, sweetie, can tell the boys to quiet down? I'm tired of hearing their yelling." Hyein looked over at her mother and sighed before nodding.

She headed upstairs and knocked on the door before opening it. "Hey, mom said to keep it down. We can hear you from downstairs." Hyein said, avoiding even looking at the guest male in the room.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever." Jeongin said, flicking his wrist at his sister.

Hyein huffed but closed the door and walked back downstairs. Every time she was in the presence of Chan, her heart sped up and she was starting to get nervous.

How could she develop a crush in such a short time on such an important person to her brother? It was not right to her. But she promised herself that she would not ruin anything for her brother. Family was more important to her.

If only it was that easy.

Two weeks later, and Hyein did not expect to kiss Chan and have her brother see it happen. It was set up by some kids that were homophobic against Jeongin.

Here she was, standing in front of her crying brother that was throwing insult after insult at her. She could only feel she deserved.

Her wall of guilt was built high and she was not sure how to deal with it.

"I hate you! You promised to help me but you kissed him!" Jeongin yelled, Hyein looking down in shame.

"Why?" Jeongin's voice was much more calm than before, and it scared Hyein. His tone changed so fast it was abnormal to Hyein.

"I didn't want to do it." She started. "But I did at the same time. I told myself to back off but then that happened. I didn't want to think anything of, Jeongin. And I doubt I like him as much as you do." Hyein breathed in and out, roughly. "But please don't hate me."

"I could never hate you. I'm sorry I said that."

"And I'm sorry for my actions. Now go get your man!" Hyein looked up at her brother, a smile on her face. But it fell as soon as she saw Chan in the doorway.

Jeongin gulped before slowly looking around to see Chan.

"I knew you liked me."

And guess what?

He was looking straight at Jeongin.

He walked straight up to him, and pulled him into a hug.

And Hyein's wall broke, crashing down as she awed at the sight.

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