84-Chanlix : The Edge

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Title: The Edge

Ship: Chanlix (Chan x Felix)

Just jump. No one is here to stop you. In fact, if someone where, they would encourage you to jump.

The voice stuck in Felix's Head as he stood near the edge of the building.

Placing his hands on the wall, he looked over and down at the traffic of Seoul below. Falling into that would not be pretty. But for some reason, Felix was up for it. He was not a coward for this, but a coward to life.

He messed up. Nothing had been right since then. That was two years ago.

He told his crush he liked him. But his crush though he was a creep-oh for finding his address and sending him a letter. Note got out to his school and nothing was the same. People avoided Felix, afraid they would stalk them as well. His friends did not want to be around him. That was all it was at first. But it soon turned into disgusted looks and comments, breaking Felix's confidence.

Only one time had he been told to kill himself. But that was all it took for Felix to continuously think about it. Kill himself, then he would not have to deal with the feeling of he world being against him.

Felix sighed before climbing up onto the wall surrounding the rooftop. His jacket held closely onto him to keep his skin away from the cold. He shivered.

This was it. He had nothing more to loose.

Felix closed his eyes, opening his arms as he started to let himself fell forward. But he suddenly came to a stop.

He was pulled by the back of his jacket, causing him to fall back into the person who had just stopped him from taking his life.

The person held tightly onto Felix, his breath heavy. Why was he breathing heavy? And why had he stopped Felix?

Slowly, his muscles loosened around Felix, letting him turn around to see his 'savior'.

The boy's hair was pure black, but his visuals were absolutely stunning to Felix. He looked older, by maybe two or three years.

The man grabbed Felix's hands, forcing him to sit down with him.

Silence surrounded them, the man's hands still holding onto Felix's. But Felix did not mind. It had been awhile since he received this type of affection.

"I don't know why you tried." He suddenly spoke up. It almost shocked Felix that he was speaking with a small accent. Just like Felix's. "And I don't know what you're going through. But I want you to know, jumping off a building into terrible traffic is not a good way to run from it."

"What about pills?" Felix asked, this time in English.

"Pills are not the answer either." The man replied in English. The rest of their conversation continued on to be English.

"Then what is?"

"Definitely not death. I know what you may be going through may be worst than I know, but I've went through some stuff." The man said.

"I've lived in an apartment alone for five years and I'm only twenty." The man said.

"I've had the whole school say I was a creep after confessing to my crush." Felix retorted.

"My lover died."

Felix stayed quiet.

"The person I love hates me." He finally responded.

"Look, I'm not here to argue. I'm here to. . . Help you?" The man said in a questioning tone. "I don't know. I just do not want to see anyone jump."

"Then don't watch." Felix said. "Turn around and I'll be gone before you can say die."

"No." The man shook his head. "My name is Chan. I'm from Australia."

"Felix. Also an Aussie." Felix responded.

"Felix." Chan squeezed his hands. "The Edge is not the limit. You need to push on."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't jump. Fly."

"Are you telling me I shouldn't try and kill myself?" Felix asked, confused by Chan's words.

"If I have you come and live with me so you don't kill yourself, so be it."

I just watched Season 7 of Voltron.

{warning, spoilers}

I'm shooketh. I thought they died and I was crying. Also, they should've gave Shiro and Adam more moments. I didn't see anything cute and I'm salty.

{end of spoilers}

Part 2?

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