Looking Back

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We've made it to the end of this cursed year, and now I can overload with you will some of my fav ships from BNHA (As you can tell by the ridiculous amount of hearts)

You don't have to read if you don't want to...

This contains:

2nd year (Class 2-A?)

I'm so puuuuuumped!!!!

[No one's POV]

Ten teens sat around in a tight circle on the floor, their legs either crossed or stretched out. They were lightly tired, considering the fact that it's almost an hour until midnight, and the sounds of yawns occasionally fill the comfortable chatter. The soft voices died down when they hear the familiar sound of an angry blonde thundering into the living room, the door slamming open to reveal him.

Surprisingly, Katsuki wasn't as angry as he initially sounded, probably because of the small hand lacing around his. Izuku followed in his wake beaming brightly though, internally, nerves were swarming him. Feeling his anxious boyfriend tense up beside him, Katsuki squeezed his hand, feeling a slightly weaker squeeze back.

"S-Sorry guys!" Izuku scratches on his neck with his free hand, nibbling slightly on his lips. "Kacchan was a little opposed to coming downstairs!"

"W-We can tell!" Denki snorts out, immediately eyeing at the teeth marks and slightly red spot on the greenette's neck, just above the collar of his shirt. Izuku instantly turns red.

"Why are we even here anyway!" Mina whines, stretching her arms out before slouching onto Hanta, who chuckles at the childish tone of her voice, ruffling affectionately through her pink curls. "It's just us couples here! What happened to the other guys?"

Izuku heavily sighs, a slight fear spiking in him that everyone would lose interest and hate him because he took too much of their time. Again, Katsuki was there to comfort him, and he gains a bit of courage, settling down into the now broken part of the circle, the seated teens making room for them. He slumps down beside Katsuki and Ochako, never letting go of the warm hand entwined in his.

"Y-Yeah, about that. Tokoyami, Sato, Koda, Shoji, Aoyama and Mineta are all at a relaxation hotel for 2 nights... a single guys get-a-way..." He internally cursed when he heard a chorus of disappointed sighs, and the only thing that kept him going was the thumb grazing along his knuckles. "A-And Ojiro t-took Hagakure to see the fireworks display in Tokyo." Relief blossoms in his chest when he hears a few Aww's go around the room, causing the tension in his muscles to fade away.

"Still, Midoriya, why are we here?" Shoto asks, nestling into the arm slung around his shoulders.

"W-Well," Izuku looks down on his lap, a faint blush gracing his freckled cheeks, the others practically tasting his nerves. "I-I thought i-it would be n-nice if we... um... talk ab- I mean... look back on this year... You guys c-can leave if you think it's lame tho-" He was cut off when he felt something wet brush along his ear, and a small squeak left his mouth as he jumped out of his skin, which was now beat red.

At least he stopped rambling.

"It sounds like a great idea, Deku!" Ochako chimes in, her iconic bubbly personality colouring Tsu's cheeks. Murmurs of encouragement are exchanged across the circle, giving a boost of confidence to Izuku.

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