Craving his Touch

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I'm feeling extra nice, so imma give y'all so much sweetness that you're gonna get cavities!!! Also, I got this pic from @kiwikami_ ON INSTAGRAM so go and check them out (il parle en francais, mais il comprend l'anglais)!

VERY mild lemon

Let's see how this thing goes (It was meant to beeeee!)

[Kaminari's POV]

I have a slight problem.

It's not that I'm desperate or clingy or anything... I don't want anyone to judge me for it. But... I'm needy for attention from my boyfriend...

I mean, I'm not expecting Kiri to do too much for me, since we're still at school trying to become pro heroes and I know that the last thing on his mind right now is the concept of love. Heck, I'm even surprised that he is even going out with me in the first place. But... Is it wrong that I want to go out with him or... maybe spend time with him?

Well, ok, I lied. It's not his present that I want. More like... his touch?

God this sounds stupid already!

I want Kiri to touch me.

Like, all over.

Oh god I'll stop, but it's a problem that's been bugging me for weeks, and I want to stop... feeling it almost. Because the craving only gets worse and worse with each passing hour.

I noticed a change in my behaviour too, and I think it's a consequence for ignoring this weird want. I felt a little more emotional, and the smallest of argument that goes on between my classmates make me feel like I want to cry. Was I seriously plying apart or is it just a phase? I know it's linked to the craving though. There was no other explanation for it!

I think Bakugo eventually caught me being an emotional wreck today when I was, for no specific reason, balling in the bathroom. I didn't want to tell Kiri about this, since I didn't want to be a bother to him, and he has better thing to do besides looking after his boyfriend. So this soon became a regular thing. This being me weeping my eyes out spontaneously. But this was the first time someone had ever caught me.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Dunceface?" I winced slightly through tears at the sound of that nickname. Why the heck was I so fragile?!

"I... It-It's nothing!"

I hiccup out, lips quivering so much that it made me stutter. Bakugo give me the "Like I believe that s**t look", and I come undone, everything spilling out with no filter.

"I-I want at-tention for... from K-Kiri but I-I don't w-w-wanna bother h-him... I want h-him to touch me a-and I th-know it's w-weird b-b-but I-I... I'm this em-motional tra-state!"

If I realised what rubbish I just told him, I would've ran out and cried a lot harder than I was then. But I was too emotional to feel embarrassed, or even acknowledge the sharp sigh from the man in front of me. He reminded me of a mother who was sick of dealing with the same nonsense over and over again.

"Are you actually kidding me?!" No, Bakugo, I wasn't. "He's your f**king boyfriend! If you want something, it's his responsibility to give it! You don't need to be a s**ty baby and cry about it! Just f**king ask him, dumbass!" I found it quite funny that he managed to use all those swear words, as well as aggression, in order to give advise that was genuinely helpful.

I wipe the tears from my eyes, controlling my sniffling and hiccups, and murmur my thanks to him, a small normal-looking smile spreading across my face. I leave the bathroom, and walk back to class, Bakugo hot on my heals behind me.

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