A World Apart

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Hello again! This IS an intentional yet unintentional song reference (DEH YEEEEEE) because I had no other ideas on a title... but things will get better, I promise Hey

Sad boi Kiri, so y'all know what that means...

Character death

I'll jump into it guys, happy reading :)

[No one's POV]

Stupid Kirishima! Always getting himself hurt! He took it too far that one time! He was supposed to be manly, but that stupid idiot had to die! F-for...

Kaminari broke down into tears again, the monster of grief clawing at his heart. No matter how hard he tries to portray Kirishima as a bad person for getting himself killed, he can't deny that he was one of the most selfless people in Class 1-A. In the entirety of UA even! He protected everyone in UA by sacrificing himself. He was only a first year. So why did someone as pure as him have to die?

Kaminari didn't dare go towards Kirishima's grave in the weeks that had passed since the incident. Every time he saw his name etched in gold, it gave him a painful reminder of what he had lost. His first friend. His best friend.

He had sat on the very bench Kirishima had last sat moments before the incident, where he started seeing smoke and left in a heartbeat, to his upcoming death. If only it was Kaminari that went instead of Kirishima. Then, perhaps Kirishima would be ok.

The agony raging in Kaminari's heart didn't lessen, making him scream out. He didn't care if anyone heard anymore. He wanted to get over the redhead, just like everyone else had already done. But he also wanted the poor boy to be back, to give the brightest smile. To see him again. To tell him how much he missed him, how much he needed him.

How much he liked... no, loved him!

It was too late to tell him now though. And that was probably what burned him the most. He continues to cry until his throat was like sandpaper, until his eyes were dried up and out of tears. All that was left in the shattered boy was small and laboured hiccups.

A few seconds pass, and through the pounding in his ears, Kaminari felt the shadow of a human loom over him. He turns abruptly, his dark, hazel eyes meeting those of a bright red. Never as red as Kirishima's.

"Horrible, isn't it?" It was a woman. A sympathetic woman, whose eyes have been worn with age, and whose hands were bony. Her hairs roots, peaking out from under her headscarf, were grey and tied back tightly, her lips stretched into a weird smile. By the look of the amount of pendants she wore around her neck, Kaminari could tell she was wise. That didn't mean Kaminari should keep his guard down. Just how long had this woman been watching him?

He doesn't say anything, pressing his cracked lips together, trying to stop himself from quivering. But his mouth fails him. "H-how do you know that?" His voice was strained from all the crying before.

"Darling, I have been around long enough on this planet to know what someone who has lost someone so dearly to them looks like." Kaminari loosens up a little, slowly starting to believe this woman, though his instincts told him likewise. "Who was it?"

He feels his breath hitch at the thought of Kirishima, somehow his tears starting up again. "M-my best f-f-friend..." she nods in understanding.

"He sounds like a really nice person. Was he selfless? Smart? Funny?" Kaminari laughs humourlessly to himself.

💚🧡Bakudeku & Kirikami One Shots❤️💛Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ