Arrest on me

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Get it? :3

I still hate puns btw... this title took ages to make

No quirks
Officer Midoriya
Terrible flirting
Slight Iidochako

Forget that I wrote this, for I have sinned...

[No one's POV]

"Hey, me and Iida aren't like that, you can take him!" Izuku was in the middle of a conversation with his close partner, Ochako. The two don't play major roles yet in the police force but Ochako works as a receptionist, documenting files and sorting out schedules, and Izuku was nothing more but a lowly patrol officer.

It wasn't much, but it's a staring ground for the two. Izuku was currently cruising in his police car, scanning the road with thorough and cautious eyes for any abnormalities in the road.

"Yeah, just ask him... Oh, him being an officer has nothing to do with rejection!... you'll do fine just..." Izuku's voice trails off as he spots something odd on the pavement. It was a rather flashy car, bright orange with yellow flames licking it's sides. It was definitely a pretty looking car, but it most certainly belonged to a thug, parked awkwardly on the middle of the path. Maybe a criminal?

Izuku huffs out, gradually applying the brake on his car. For being 3 months into his job, Izuku's turns weren't perfect, but they were pretty slow since he was pretty careful behind the wheel, bumping his car a few times onto the edge of the curb before making his way swiftly towards the sight he saw.

After successfully making the hectic turn, Izuku makes his way down the road, picking up the conversation he had dropped with Ochako moments ago.

"Sorry, Uraraka, gotta go. There's a person who parked their car flat in the middle of the pavement... Oh my God just tell him!.. alright, I'll speak to you in a bit... yeah... Ok, bye!" He pressed the red button on his car screen and brings the car to the side, parking it neatly in front of the car. He liked to do things neatly and properly. Unlike the rooky dumping their car behind him. Do they have no respect to others?!

Izuku looked into the mirror in front of him, patting his hair down before placing his police hat perfectly on top. He flings the door open and steps out, brushing out the non-existent crinkles in his pants before slamming the metal door behind him, locking it up before walking towards the car. In all honesty, the greenette was slightly nervous, clearly not perfected with his social aspects. Well, interviews were a little different, but face-to-face confrontation skills were as close as it can get to 0. He clears his throat, the familiar stiffness in his body already starting to make his joints ache. And no oil in the world could help his movements loosen up.

He walks up to the tinted glass on the driver's side of the car, rapping on its stainless surface a few times before plastering the most serious face he could muster. Seriousness never worked on Izuku, and he ended up looking like an upset puppy instead of a police officer.

The window, after too long, rolled down, causing Izuku to jump a little. He looks in through the empty frame, and couldn't seem to tear away from the devilish red eyes. They seemed to brighten the longer he stared into them.

"Afternoon, officer! What brings you here?" It would seem that said officer was still staring at the "thug" in front of him, looking at his spike blonde hair, iconic ear and nose piercing, both with silver rings on, and surprisingly, his pink and slightly plushy lips. He had forgotten what his purpose was there entirely! The blonde smirks mischievously, eyes becoming an entirely different shade of red. The smaller boy just stared in awe. "Have you just come here to stare at me? You know you could've just asked instead of dressing in your uniform!"

💚🧡Bakudeku & Kirikami One Shots❤️💛Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ