To be perfection~ Part 1

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Kinda small homophobia
Self-loathing... kinda too..

[Kaminari's POV]

There's this guy in my class. His name is Kirishima. He is my boyfriend and was once my closest best friend. He never stops reminding me how precious I am to him, and of course I feel the same! He's my amazing one-of-a-kind boyfriend! I just wish I treated him better...

You want to know what went wrong? I'll fill you in.

The start of this mishap happened 1 year ago, back to our first year at UA. I had no one, being the only person at my middle school to pass the exam. My parents supported the idea of me training to become a hero, so they gladly provided the payment for the financial side of things. I was pretty nervous- I mean, who wouldn't?! It's a fresh start with no friends, no knowledge. Just my quirk and my looks to be judged off on. I'm ok with my looks, it's the quirk bit I'm a bit iffy about.

You see, because my quirk is out of control when I use too much of it, I was considered "The dangerous kid" in middle school. But, hopefully, when I become a pro, that will all change.

I was busy waiting for class to start, doodling on a piece of paper. Naturally, when I'm nervous, I become shy, my hands all clammy and hot, so I won't be doing any happy, hand-shaking intros to anyone... until these jitters stop affecting me. I ducked my head down, avoiding all the curious eyes scanning the classroom, looking at their new classmates. A few minutes passed, and soon most people sat down, the braver ones interacting with others, like that professional-looking blue-haired man with glasses scowling at the explosive-looking ash blonde. He seems interesting! Maybe I can have a conversation with him when I feel more confident.

I looked back down at my paper, the corners starting to curl from the sweat dripping from my fingers. I thought I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, but I looked up anyway, only to meet bright red eyes. Another man, one with red, spiky hair, smiled brightly at me, his teeth sharp and pointy like shark teeth. He's a little shark boy!

"Hey, I can see you're a little lonely. You got first day jitters? Me too!" The gruffness yet enthusiasm in his voice complemented each other nicely. I nodded slightly, sitting up a little, a bit more interested in this shark boy.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima! And you are?" He seemed very confident in himself, and I hardly see any traces of nervousness in him. He's so manly!

"I-I'm Denki Kaminari," I mumbled quietly after a moment of hesitation. He smiled softly once he received an answer, knowing now that I was ok with him speaking to me... I think. "I'm... sorry I don't talk as much I um... I'm a little shy... You see, I-I don't know anyone here and-"

"Hey, man, don't worry about it! I only know one person here, that little pink-haired bubbly chick over there, and she seems fine on her own. So I thought, 'Hey, why not make friends with that cute blonde over there!' And here I am! Honestly, I'm also a little nervous, but if you just have that little boost of confidence, you'll do fine!" I gave Kirishima a small half-smile, glad that him only talking to me gave me a little more energy.

"Thanks! I've got to say you're pretty manly to do that!" I didn't forget him calling me "cute", but I also didn't forget the weird pang in my heart. Oh it was weird alright!

"Awwwww thanks! You're quite manly yourself! I believe that the more manly you are, the more cool and awesome you are! Or, at least, that's what Crimson Riot believes. Anyways, I hope we can be good friends, if you're willing to accept me?" I beamed at the offer, a slight lightness entering me. I felt a little more excited about my new school year at UA after talking to him.

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