Never Mix Water and Electricity

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So... I've been reading too many AO3 stories...

Here's an inspired one I wrote.

Side note: I've started a new bkdk book - it's called SOLD and it's Omegaverse/Mafia AU. Lemony themes but check it out if you're interested!


What if Kami had been sent to a different zone during the USJ incident?

[No one's POV]

When Kaminari was younger, he had a science teacher. Miss Joyce, her name was. She wasn't a bad teacher: she'd always let out his class just those few minutes early, always rewarding them with candy during break and didn't scowl at anyone who forgot their homework. It was elementary school, and most of the students in his class were forgetful.

He remembers some of the lessons that he had with her. The usual, playful elementary lessons where he learns nothing but has fun. They'd make paper aeroplanes and see which one flew the furthest. They'd make salt crystals and see who could make the longest shard. At the present, he was recalling the lesson on electricity.

It was only Grade 2, where the majority of his class had gotten their quirks. Kaminari, being one of the eldest, had been one of the first kids to get his own, and everyone was fascinated of how he could magically produce electricity from his bare hands. Miss Joyce had set out different crocodile-clip wires and battery cells for everyone to use, as well as a few lightbulbs.

"Good morning, class!" she said with a cheery voice and a bright, friendly smile.

"Good morning, Miss Joyce!" the class chanted back in unison.

"Today, we're going to do something a little different!" she said, her grin mirroring to a few others, childish chatter travelling across the room. "In front of you, there are a few wires and batteries. We're going to learn how to make a circuit out of these wires and also learn a little bit about electricity!"

The majority of the class again erupted into ecstatic chatter, eyeing the objects on the table in curiosity. Kaminari's ears had perked up at the subject they'd be taught about, and he jumps out of his seat and flails his arms out, exclaiming excitedly, "I can make electricity!"

Miss Joyce would've responded, had she not seen the water bottle of a classmate next to him knock over, its contents spilling across the plastic table. She knew Kaminari was about to activate his quirk to emphasis his point, so she shouted - surprising from a sweet lady, such as herself.


The class dropped dead. No one moved, and no one spoke. Even Kaminari himself had stopped, frozen and trembling on the spot. 'Snakes', he thought, fearing that one had suddenly appeared, which was why Miss Joyce shouted.

He remembered being a little confused when Miss Joyce had come over to him, wiping up the water with a cloth and putting that cloth in the classroom sink. She then went back to Kaminari, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Everything's fine now, Kaminari," she said, smiling sweetly. In turn, Kaminari relaxed, despite a cute frown having graced his face.

"Miss Joyce," he said, in his childish voice, "What happened?"

He remembered her expression light up, stepping back a little to project her voice across the room, though mainly looking at Kaminari, who had asked the question.

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