Closer than Lovers

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Hey Bakudeku fans! Today was Bakudeku day (18th December) and this is the special chapter for it! Hope you enjoy!


[No one's POV]

"YO BAKUBRO!" Kirishima bangs on the door of his favourite blonde friend, Sero and Kaminari snorting behind him. The three were cackling about some information they had just recently found out, and couldn't hold back on telling the explosion user himself.

Said explosion user opens the door slightly, his body covering the entrance so none of the annoying trio could enter his dorm. By to looks of his irritated scowl, it clearly was a bad time for the boys to interrupt. But, as usual, all three of them gave no care.

"What the hell do you want, extras?" He grits his teeth, already annoyed at their snickering when seeing the blonde's face.

"HAVE YOU NOT HEAR YET?! THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT Y-" Kirishima gives in, as if someone were mercilessly tickling his sides as he hunched over to clutch his stomach and laugh his ass off. Sero seemed a little more composed than the red-haired mess on the floor, so he latched off from his explanation through laughter.

"TH- THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU! THE FANS OUT THERE... THEY RECKON-" And the black-haired boy was out along with the other, the two of them howling with laughter on the floor. Leaving the last one who was just about standing, seeming as if he were about to piss himself.

"THEY THINK YOU AND MIDORIYA ARE IN LOVE!" All three were basically dead when that finished, crying and giggling like idiots on the floor. 

Bakugo clearly seemed unamused, in fact taking a much more serious approach. If anything, his eyes flashed a look of worry. He takes a brief peak into his room before looking back at the dying extras rolling around on the floor, the tips of his ears going red. He tries to put back on his mask of irritation and fakes a pissed reply.

"Whatever, stop wasting my time!" Sero picks up on this, and couldn't help but crack a joke that could potentially get him murdered.

But it was worth it for the reaction from the blonde.

"WHAT'S WRONG, BAKUGO?! ARE YOU AND MIDORIYA ACTUALLY DATING?!" This ticked Bakugo off, and he leaves his post at the door to get his almighty weapon: the slipper. He's dealt with this bulls**t long enough, and though his ears were completely red at this point, he acted as if he hated the greenette.

"SHUT THE F*** UP, TAPE ELBOWS! WHY THE HELL WOULD I LIKE THAT DAMN NERD?! GET OUT OF HERE, ALL YOU IDIOTS!" He starts to slap them with his slipper, earning a few oddly-satisfying yelps of pain, the three troublemakers running off with red marks all across their arms and legs as well as aching stomachs from the intense amount of laughing.

Bakugo waited a few moments after they left to check the coast was clear before slamming the door shut, spinning around almost immediately returning to what he was doing.

That was, specifically, cuddling and spending quality time with his boyfriend.

Whom was none other than Izuku Midoriya.

He didn't seem too happy about the talk he had just heard.

Bakugo sighs. "I'm sorry, Izu, I didn't mean to I swear!" he groaned out, flopping back onto the bed and squeezing the smaller boy into a tight hug, pecking kisses all over his face. One of the pains about their relationship was that it had to be secret, since everyone still thought they hated each other's guts. Midoriya was also too scared to come out of the closet, so people still saw him as a straight person. And Bakugo didn't dare rush him. He loved him too much.

Which was why he felt the need to shower his boyfriend with as much love as he could after talking rudely about him to cover the fact that they were dating. Of course the blonde felt guilty each time, and each time he would go straight to the greenette to give him the same treatment. The greenette couldn't help but giggle at the feeling.

"KacCHAN!" Midoriya said between laughs, the angelic sounds singing in Bakugo's ears causing him to melt. Nothing like the horrid cackling from his friends. "I know!.. I-I... know you love me!... Because I love you!..."

Bakugo eventually stops his kissing, allowing the greenette to snuggle further into his warm chest, Midoriya threading his fingers through the soft spiky mess now spread across the pillows. What was there not to love about him? He may be an ass on the outside, but he was a real softie on the inside. And he was warm and plushy too!

"I know how hard it is for you to lie about everything, Kacchan. If you want... I could take you out on a date! Or even better... We could tell everyone about our relationship!"

Midoriya could practically see stars in Bakugo's ruby eyes at the idea of showing everyone that this nerd was his only, including Half and Half, but of course, the selfless blonde checked on him first. "Are you sure you're ok with that?! I mean, you don't have to it because of me, but only if you're comfortable with it!" There was still excitement in his voice, so he wasn't convincing anyone that it would be ok if Midoriya changed his mind about that. 

The blonde had also managed to develop some of his boyfriend's incessant mumbling.

"Of course, Kacchan! It's about time other people know! Besides, I know how much you've wanted to tell everyone! I'm ready now!" Bakugo couldn't help but give a long kiss to the boy lying in his arms, Midoriya melting at the heat pulsing through him and kissing back, butterflies flapping in both of their stomachs. It was a blissful feeling, and they both only felt closer that night.

Closer than rivals.

Closer than friends.

Closer than lovers.

UWAAAAAAAAA THESE TWO ARE SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!! I hope this was a nice fluff to make up for the emotional breakdown before! If I were honest, I didn't know it was 💚🧡 day until my friend told me... so yeah... this was to make up for forgetting (but now I'll never forget because it's permanently in my calendar hahahahaha!)

See you for more fluff next week!

Be potates!


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