Healing Kisses

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Here's an UwU for you :3

Also, this was inspired by the comic hehe

No speech

Get ready to UwU

[No one's POV]

They were 5 when this whole fiasco started. When Katsuki had accidentally grazed his knee whilst chasing a butterfly. Yes, he did cry. It was only natural for any 5-year-old when the injury was deep enough to spurt blood.

So he whimpered in pain, hugging his thigh closer to him to ease the stinging. Mitsuki notices this, walking over to her son and frowning in a manner of concern. At the time, Mitsuki was a little more empathetic and lenient towards Katsuki, gasping slightly when she sees the gash and crouching down, rustling through her handbag to find a bandage patch that was large enough to fit over the wound.

Katsuki flinched as the bandage landed on his knee, looking away as if it would lessen the pain. However, he was caught a little off guard when he felt a light pressure touch it afterwards.

A light pressure from a pair of lips.

Curiously, he looked up, watching in awe as his mother pulled away, offering him a comforting smile before springing back onto her feet. Surprisingly, the gash hurt less! As if the kiss were magic!

Katsuki hadn't forgotten about that day, a small part of him remembering the "healing kiss" his mother gave to his knee. It was only a matter of a few weeks past the incident, however, that Katsuki would have to use what he had learned that day.

It was a relatively normal day, that day. Katsuki was treading through a forest, Izuku following timidly behind him, and, just as he was about to enjoy the sweet sounds of nature, a cry was released behind him.

Of course, the dumb nerd had to get injured at some point that day!

Katsuki groans under his breath, spinning on his heal and snapping some random phrases about how much of an idiot Izuku was to mask his genuine concern. His eyes widen slightly when he sees the small cut on Izuku's freckled cheek, small beads of blood oozing out. It wasn't too bad, the flesh around it swelling and blushing red, but, to Izuku, it stung a bit.

Again to conceal his worry, Katsuki rolls his eyes, pulling off his backpack and grabbing hold of the bandage box his mother was so incessant on him taking. Finding a bandage large enough to cover the cut, he rather brashly plasters it onto Izuku's cheek, the greenette letting out a startled and pained yelp.

Yet, just after the recklessness, care was then given to the cut, a gentle yet swift peck over the bandage. Izuku was caught off guard, gasping in surprise, but the slight disappearance of the pain was muted by the rapid flutter of his heart and the bright heating of his cheeks. Katsuki had immediately turned to a chosen heading, not willing to confront Izuku and talk about the random act of kindness he had shown, and the boy behind him was given no choice but to follow.

This was years before the present day and some say that both boys would have forgotten about it. However, it wasn't the case for them. Well, the two had continued the "healing kisses" whenever one of them got hurt, developing a slight yet secretive attraction to the other. They like the... healing kisses.

They did stop at some point. Well, mostly because Katsuki had started ignoring or mocking Izuku. The "childish" trait was temporarily forgotten, the two diverging into different ways. It was only during a day in high school, when Katsuki was hanging around with his friends, that this "trait" had been given a rebirth.

💚🧡Bakudeku & Kirikami One Shots❤️💛Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ