Looking after you

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Just a head's up, the image has pretty much NOTHING to do with the main plot... it's cute though :)

Dog! Bakugo
Adults (so Izuku is 20) and no quirks
Homosexuality flag🏳️‍🌈
Nothing else tho

[No one's POV]

Izuku continues trudging down the lonely path back to his house, his hot breath creating wisps of clouds to form, his fingers and nose numb and slightly tingly from the freezing weather. Izuku didn't normally like the cold and wetness of September, the leaves already falling of the trees, soaked and squashed flat against the pavement, making an unpleasant squelching sound whenever the greenette takes a step. He cringes when he steps into a puddle unconsciously, the biting liquid now absorbed into his red trainers that he still wore. More shivers. The only thing he can do is clench his teeth and wrap his coat around him tighter, attempt to dig his face under the collar, and keep walking home.

It was a street away from home when Izuku could hear the faintest of whimpers, whining in pain. And him being the huge softie he is, the small boy starts to track the thing creating these. Not too far from him was a tiny alley, one so small that his shoulders grazed the walls. He tightens his scarf around his neck tighter, immediately not liking the stench and aura coming from there.

He looked beyond a few beaten trash cans, sniffling a little to keep his running nose at bay, and sees a stray box. It was pretty big, taking up most of the back alley, made of battered and damp cardboard. And just when Izuku thought the box was empty, more whimpers were heard from that direction, confirming to him that there was indeed an animal of some sort in there.

Izuku tightens his scarf over his nose to block out the rotting odour, walking cautiously towards the box. He could feel shadows moving around him, the trash cans seeming to have some spine-crawling contents that the greenette can only imagine would jump out at him at any moment. It was mostly his eyes playing tricks on him, but he didn't dare look behind him as he saw several large shadows appear on the wall. The faint dripping of a leaky pipe didn't help the tension either. He huffs before crouching down, hearing his heart pounding in his ears, foggy breath going slightly out of control.

Izuku opens the cardboard box and it seemed like all his problems and anticipation had vanished for a moment. Inside of it was a small, shivering Pomeranian, no larger than his head, its fur musky and rough, wrapped in a tight ball, breathing heavily and painfully. It seemed to be in a lot of agony, eyes squeezed shut and each loud whimper making its scrunched face crumple even more. Izuku felt his heart drop, and tried his best to supress an instinctive 'Awe'.

"H-Hi there," he says softly, being extra-careful not to spook the dog. The Pomeranian opens its eyes slightly, looking towards the gently voiced through it's pain and haziness, the cold water still burning its fur. Izuku attempts to scoop up the dog, to whom provides no restraint except a small growl. 'Woah... this dog is so low on energy! Who would do such a think to him?' The small boy then removed his woolly scarf, the sick smells no longer affecting him, and wraps it around the dog, its shivers dying down slowly. It sniffed, snuggling deeper into the warmth. "My name is Izuku! Do you have a name?"

Of course, he receives no answer, but he checks on the dog's red collar anyway.

"Huh, your name is Katsuki? So you're a he? That's a peculiar name for a dog! Let's see..." The greenette then proceeds to mumble to himself, trying to figure out a nicer and more convenient name for the dog. Katsuki wasn't the right fit in his opinion, so he searched for an alternative instead. "Katsuki-chan... KACCHAN! Kacchan is the perfect name for you!" He then realised he was shouting, quite possibly terrifying the poor dog, as much as he was already in pain. "I-I'm sorry... But is Kacchan ok with you?" The dog gives out a weak bark as if saying yes, and Izuku could swear he saw him smile. He blinks a few times before standing up, the Pomeranian still in his hands. "Say, you don't seem too good to be staying in that box all day. How about I take you home and get you cleaned up?" He obviously received no reply, but he took him back home anyway.

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