Why Did You Leave Me?

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I wish I could stop being inspired by everything...

Pro Heroes

[No one's POV]

It was the day of Eijiro's funeral.

Almost a whole month since the incident. This was mostly because the closer relatives of Eijiro were still mourning, no one daring to raise the idea of a burial in fear of the redhead's parents melting down.

The poor boy had his soulless body wrapped up and preserved for its time to come.

But now, he lay in a coffin, with the texture of the gloss of a grand piano, charcoal black embroidered with golden licks of paint. It truly looked beautiful, and no one could have asked for a better one. It suited the redhead lying in it perfectly.

It wasn't yet buried though - that was yet to come.

Eijiro's mum went up on the stage. The bags under her eyes were as dark as her knotted hair, the bloodshot sclera showing how hard that past month had been for her to endure the loss. Her husband couldn't find the words to say, for the service, so she volunteered to speak on behalf of the both of them.

"Thank you all f-for coming," she says through the microphone, an uneasy but kind smile spreading on her face as she gives a slow glance at the attendees. "It is so... amazing how many of Eijiro's family and friends have attended today!"

She releases a chuckle under her breath, chocolate-coloured eyes gravitating upwards to the grandeur of the hall, beautiful paintings decorating the giant dome. A gorgeous venue, filled with those who'd once known Eijiro, and had taken him for granted. Never as a gift, despite him being so.

"When he was younger, Eijiro would always talk about becoming an amazing hero, just like Crimson Riot. By God, he was his idol! You'd walk into his room and find those large and small action figures across the floor, then the posters that were stuck on those walls! He'd even put some on the ceiling!"

Some laughter resonates through the room. Gentle laughter, that tries to lighten the mood. Because all the agony was gone, and all that was left was letting go. And what better way to do that than the entire room having soft smiles on their faces.

"I am so... proud of him!"

There wasn't much else to say besides that. Any mother would be proud of a child who has accomplished so much; saved so many!

"It didn't matter that his life was short, because he lived it like we all should have! We should live to enjoy ourselves and leave the biggest impact we can when we part from this world because no one wants to be forgotten! And none of us will forget our Eijiro, because he gave things to us that no one else has. He is the best thing that could ever happen to me and I am so... unimaginable h-happy that he did what he d-did, and had no regrets. I love you, Eijiro, and your mama will join you soon. Until then, rest well!"

There was a pause, in which no sound was made, the gathering still processing those powerful words. But then, they all cheer for the aged Kirishima, applauding her for her hard work and commending her for her strength.

A few more people step up on the stage to speak. They clear their throats and say what they could, pouring out their heart and soul. So many loved him. So many missed him. So many wish for him to rest well, and to become just as good as he was then in another life.

Mina gets round to speaking. She talks of how close she was to Eijiro, with her being a closet lesbian at the time and the redhead doing nothing but supporting her. It was hard for her to accept that he was gone - you could see it written on her face. She loved him like a brother: a person who was always there. And she ends her speech by saying how glad she was to have met him, and will hold every single memory they had close to her heart.

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