Hands off Whats Mine

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Jealous Januaryyyyyyy


FYI, I've never watched Haikyuu because my obsession with bnha is still ongoing... heh...

I was looking forward to this yeeeeeeee!!!

No quirks (Volleyball)
Light lemony activity

[Screeching intensifies...]

[No one's POV]

It was a nice day for Izuku and Katsuki. It had been a long fight for the bubbly greenette, but at last, the aggressive blonde had permitted them to go to the shopping centre, much to his irritation. The reason why he was so opposed to going in the first place was that he knew his boyfriend would immediately rush to all the merchandise stores and fangirl for probably the rest of the day. It would be a lie if the blonde said Izuku being excited wasn't cute, acting as if he were high on sugar and jumping around like a child on a Christmas morning, but doing nothing besides watching him is both a waste of time and boring as hell.

Which was exactly why he was trying to lecture him, squeezing onto his hand and attempting to keep eye contact with his sparkling and frenzying green eyes.

"Oi, can you fucking focus on me, you damn nerd?!" he growls out in frustration, patience running on a thin line. Izuku had no choice but to get caught into the provoked red eyes piercing angrily at him, forcing himself to calm down and give all of his attention to his boyfriend, though it was a lot harder than it seemed. "I want you to stick with me at ALL times! Got it?!" He grumbled, noticing the slight shudder going through Izuku. But at least he listened.

He nods eagerly, the crowd around them seeming to get busier, and the anxiety Katsuki felt boiling in his chest intensified. The grip on the smaller boy's hand clamps tighter, though Izuku paid no mind, clearly not phased.

They walk through cautiously, Katsuki, for once in his life, trailing behind Izuku, who was already trying to wrestle his way to the Volleyball store, the exact same one he had looked at numerous times. As usual, he went nowhere near the door, but instead straight to the window display, where all of the newest products were showcased.

Somehow, through the intense shoving pushing him away from Izuku, Katsuki's phone slips from his hand and, thankfully, the blonde could see it's sheen black screen glinting on the floor, narrowly missing hundreds of rushing feet. He forgets about the hand he had promised to hold on to for the time he was there for, and bends down to pick it up, resurfacing above the sea of bustling people only to notice his boyfriend had surprisingly gone missing.

Damn that shitty nerd.

The anticipated blonde tried his best to keep his cool, using his height to his advantage and searching for his boyfriend, specifically in the direction of the window display, nerves buzzing uncomfortably. He half-expected this to happen. Izuku was simply too excited. And seeing him out of his sights made the blonde start to over-react the more the seconds travel by.

Izuku could be anywhere at this point! Something bad could've happened! He could've been hurt or lost or kidnapped or even worse! That thought alone triggered Katsuki, and the urgency to find his boyfriend grew even more desperate. He barges past people, giving no shit about their shouts of complaint at him. He had to find Izuku!

A few too many seconds pass of him shouting out Izuku's name, panic etched into his voice, and there was no surprise that Katsuki received no response. The figurines just HAD to be more interesting than him!

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