The Cold Nights

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So I wanted to make this an angst, but I change my mind, and this is going to be FLUFFY!


I've grown sensible with the "Warnings" section haha

[No one's POV]

Kaminari chattered his teeth, squinting his eyes and shuffling further into the bedsheets. He was extremely tired, the cold being less forgiving for him and biting into his white skin, making it near impossible for the blonde to get any rest. He wish he had a quirk like Bakugo's. That way he can just heat himself up and be able to sleep.

There was nothing wrong with his quirk. It was just rendered useless when facing the cold.

He thought about waiting it out until the morning, for a moment watching the ceiling, but the tiredness made his eyes droop closed, and then the iciness still in the covers made it nearly uncomfortable.

Eventually, Kaminari gave up and sat up in his bed, immediately reaching for his phone. He groaned tiredly when he saw that it was just an hour past midnight.


No one was online, probably because they were all asleep, and after being unable to stare at his blinding screen, seconds later getting a headache, Kaminari put his phone back down on the nightstand and rolled out, the freezing floor nipping at his soles through his socks.

It was a habit for the blonde to wear socks when he slept.

Sluggishly walking towards his wardrobe, he picks out another sweater to put over his two other ones, finding only a little comfort in its warmth. It'll do...

For now...

Popping on his slippers, Kaminari hugs himself as he stumbles through the door and down the stairs, legs trembling, appearing at if they could collapse any minute. He grits his teeth rather hard as he holds onto the wall to hobble into the isolated common room.

It was weird for it not to be filled with people, currently dark and gloomy and eerily quiet. The sudden gust of wind made Kaminari skip to the kitchen a little faster, uncomfortable and suddenly vulnerable. With the drop in temperature, it was uncertain on whether he had the physical ability to fight, or even run!

He was a little shocked when he saw the lights on in the kitchen, the island seemingly empty and the sink dripping water. It would be an understatement to say the blonde was anxious, because everything about the scene he was somehow stuck in screamed "DANGER!"

"H-Hello?" He cursed himself twice when saying that. One for his teeth chattering. Two for his obviously nervous voice. If it were a villain snooping around, it wouldn't give two thoughts to pounce on him. Fortunately, no one jumped on him, however, the ruffling of pans in a drawer were heard, frightening the blonde.

He edges himself inside a little more, so he wasn't in the doorway, and nearly screamed when he came face to face with bright red eyes, glinting like predator eyes. "Nearly" meaning the owner of those eyes shoved both his hands over the blonde's pink lips.

"Sh, Kami! It's just me! Chill!" It was hard for the blonde to "chill", especially when it was the middle of the night. But the owner was none other than his best friend, and perhaps crush, Kirishima. Kaminari tries to control his rapid breathing.

"What the... You should've responded when I spoke!" He was still out of breath, but it was better than before. His joints and muscles ached, both from being frightened and from moving in the cold. His knees were shaking, and he held onto the doorframe as a precaution.

💚🧡Bakudeku & Kirikami One Shots❤️💛Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora