Drunk on the Road

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Super cute YouTube video that deserves a LOT more attention, so go check it out before I murder your chicken farm!

Sorta inspired by this?

Alcohol misusage
Mild lemons


[Izuku's POV]

"What is the point of this?" I ask to no one in particular.

Mina had previously said that this was supposed to be a "friendly get-together", but now that I actually think about it, this is more of a "get laid" party. There was music slurring through the air, a bunch of empty beer bottles rolling along the floor, and a cluster of people practically passed out everywhere.

Since Mina had hosted it, the venue was chosen closer to where she lived. And she lived in the middle of Japan, so I had to take the train, since I don't have a car yet. And the train was a bit of a walk from here. And, currently, it was downpouring heavily outside, and I had brought no waterproofs. So, in theory, I am stuck here with a bunch of wasted teenagers strewn across the couches.

Todoroki and Iida had left a while ago to get back to their apartment, which was sadly at the opposite end to where I lived. Uraraka was definitely high, currently screaming at the top of her lungs on top of a table, Tsu, being one of the few rational people left, trying to usher her off. I don't think any other of my drunk classmates would be leaving any time soon.

"No fucking clue, but I have no idea why I came to this shit in the first place." On instinct, I shudder at the unexpected reply to my momentarily forgotten question. How long had Kacchan been standing there unnoticed?! I hadn't expected that he remained remotely normal after the shot battle he had with Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima earlier. If I hadn't known of what happened before, I would've thought that Kacchan didn't touch any alcohol!

I've only had half a cup of alcohol, and that was also diluted with orange juice, so I was only mildly tipsy. Yes, my alcohol tolerance is minimal. However, I find myself strangely attracted to Kacchan, unable to physically take my eyes off him. It was quite dark, the faint sounds of the shower outside pattering on the roof and the windows, but I felt like everything was silent at that moment. The slight edge of light coming from the disco ball inconveniently placed in the middle of the room made his face glow, the tips of his lashes and spiky hair shining silver. His jawline looked even sharper this close, lined with the faint stubbles of shaved hair. His eyes were still a deep red, placed too perfectly above his nose, like two valuable rubies placed to complete his look. I didn't know why I saw him in so much detail, but I couldn't not take my eyes off of him, too in awe with his beautiful features.

His ruby eyes turn to me for a moment, and I feel my heart skip a beat. "You gonna escape this dump?"

It took way longer than needed for me to formulate a response, but throughout the time it took, I was spluttering and stuttering out of sudden nerves. "Umm, th-that's the thing, Kacch-chan... I, er... I have to take the train, so... I have to wait for the r-rain to settle haha!" I wince when I hear the awkward laughter that left my mouth. But surprise succumbs me when I see his eyes lighten up, face still remaining in his usual scowl, but I swear I could see the ghost of a smile gracing his lips.

"What's say we ditch this shithole, Deku?" I blink for a moment, briefly unresponsive, too drawn by the rare look of happiness delicately drawn across his face, but I snap out, giving a curt and flustered nod.

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