Gone Astray

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Pro Heroes
Mentioned character death

Ok, not as angsty...

[Katsuki's POV]

The rain pours down in heavy sheets, pooling around my feet, soaking into the ground and splattering onto my dark suit. There were no sunny clearings in the sky, all covered by a blackened grey too thick to break through. I'm shivering, absent of a jacket, yawning in the fatigue of a week's worth of sleepless nights, ones that cause the bags under my eyes to sink in further than usual. And I do nothing to move to the umbrella next to me, instead using my jacket to shelter me from the rain and leave that spot to other more-vulnerable people.

It's one of the many rolls that come with being a hero.

To my left, past the umbrella, there's Endeavour, Icy Hot silently wiping away at his eyes. In proximity to them stood Four Eyes and his family, his eyes squeezed shut as he appeared to be holding in sobs. If I weren't so grief-struck myself, I would've swallowed my pride and go over to support them.

Behind me stood Round Face, bawling her eyes out over a cause she wasn't at fault for, Aizawa attempting to comfort her. She was always one of the sappiest people of our class, and Aizawa was always the one who'd keep us into shape, if it weren't Glasses doing so. Bird Guy was also there as well, hands shoved into the pockets of his black robe. At least it wasn't hard for him to find something for today.

To my front stood a gravestone.

And to my right stood Deku, his eyes focused on nothing else but that gravestone, and those golden characters etched permanently onto it.

To the former Number One Hero, Symbol of Peace

No other words could've suited what was written on that gravestone, and no other pain could've been felt than what was on that day. Realising that the former Number One was buried ten feet under the ground. That a teacher; a mentor; a friend; an inspiration; a hero was dead. 

He was dead.

My idol.

The one who'd inspired me to become a hero, and then curved me towards becoming a proper hero, and then pushed me to be better, and not beat myself up, and who was always looking out for me, and supporting me, and encouraging me. He was the foundation to the palaces and cathedrals I've built and, without him, I...

I don't want to go back to how things were before.

I can't tell whether I'm crying or not, the tears of the clouds above making it practically undecipherable. But the sniffling beside me made the question of crying more obvious.

The predictable sobbing of Deku - Izuku.

I turn to him.

He's smiling - trying to smile - the corners of his lips tense and wanting to contort back into a heart-wrenching sob. His eyes are glassed over, emerald orbs dimmed to a dull swamp colour, completely absent of their usual life. He's trembling tremendously, sickly pallid and gaining a few years with the dark rings circling his eyes and the drooping eyelids that refuse to close. He looked half gone.

"I-It's fitting th-that it's r-raining... o-on All Might's f-funeral..."

The death of All Might. The ultimate Symbol of Peace. The mentor and infamous icon. Gone.

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