It's Okay not to be OK

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So... Sorta went back to look at the Freckles one-shot... Tf that was so cringy T-T

Some of this content, I really wonder why you guys read it (That one-shot got 626 reads and 16 votes ..)

This one-shot is inspired by another one-shot (goddamn it I can't find it anymore on Wattpad!) and the events of a few days ago (check the announcements if your curious I guess?)

Heavy Angst

[No one's POV]

Something was wrong with Kirishima.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it felt uncomfortable. Alien, even.

He felt numb and lifeless, losing all need and want. He lost purpose and awareness, his body almost like a weight he couldn't bring himself to carry. If it were possible, he felt like chains were bounding him to the bed, prohibiting him from moving out of the foetus position he was curled into, his hands clutching around nothing.

He felt tired, though his eyes wouldn't let him sleep. He had slept plenty enough, yet still felt like not getting up. It was akin to laziness, but he knew he was far from it - laziness was a word that he despised to even be related to. He had always been a hard worker and had done whatever he could to be where he was now. So why now did it feel like he didn't want to get up?

He even felt his self-worth drain from him, forgetting all the reasons that he loved himself. All those years of quirk strengthening and intense studying and physical training and being that same, radiant ray of sunshine blurred into smoke, forgotten memories that seemed like a dream. He... failed to see his own worth.

They were all foreign feelings that no one would've expected a positive boy like him to feel, and he knew it. But any man, no matter how strong they were, wouldn't be able to handle emotions like that, especially at the intensity that they were affecting him.

Yet despite that, Kirishima didn't cry. He refused to.

He knew that if he started, he wouldn't stop, and the thought of all the energy he had left being wasted on tears felt worrisome. Scary, even. He's bright enough to know he'd been holding back the need to cry for so long, and he was scared of letting it all go. Scared of the pain that would follow. He knows he's a time bomb, listening to the slow Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. until one click and he's erupting, his chest caving in, his fears and pain suffocating his ability to breathe.

He closes his eyes, feeling as if he were on an ocean, bobbing up and down as he drifted further and further away from land, the shore a mere silhouette in the distance. His fingers lace together, pulling his knees up closer to his nose, back arched and breaths hot against his skin.

A knock sounds at his door, echoing through the nothingness. Considering that it was a school morning, it was a surprise that he didn't hear the pattering of feet, or the chatter of his classmates as they move from the kitchen to their dorm rooms. Yet that knock was the only sound that was loud enough to drag him from his thoughts, only then paying attention to the white noise.

"Ei, are you good in there?"

Only one person had ever called him that, and Kirishima was only further drawn to that voice.

"You didn't show up for breakfast, and some of the guys are worried. Just wanna know if everything's ok in there."

Kirishima felt his heart trill in his stomach at the concern and care soaked in Kaminari's words, imagining him waiting outside of that door with his forehead pressed against the smooth, painted oak, as he often did when he was worried - well, based on the one time he did when him and Mina had gotten into a fight. Still, he couldn't bring himself to move towards that door, only hoping that Kaminari would be concerned enough to open the door.

💚🧡Bakudeku & Kirikami One Shots❤️💛Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang