A Closet's Secret (🍋)

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AYO WASSUP PEOPLE, WE GOTTA NOICE LEMON FOR YA! LEMOOOOOOOOONZ! I'll stop now. Bakugou will always be a top baby!

Btw your-local-sinner wrote a Kirikami version of this (check them out for greatness) and I think it was better than this one (lol).

Also, what makes theirs better is the fact that there is ACTUALLY consent (facepalms)

Mega fluff and lemon (15+ content) warning
No smut, can't write it soz

Aoyama is bae

[No one's POV]

Katsuki was on the run. Class had finished 15 minutes ago, hardly any cluttered hallways remaining for the blonde to shove himself through, the occasional group or 2 frantically squeezing themselves to the side to give way to the explosive blonde thundering down. Feet were slapping on the cold floors, sparks almost crackling from the speed he was running. Surprisingly, the lack of students irritated Katsuki, who needed to hide and blend in with any crowd.

Yes, indeed, Katsuki Bakugo was running almost as if his life depended on it to hide! And to his prevail, no hope was found.

"Bakugo! They are waiting for you!" Mr Aizawa's voice rung through the air, trying his best to sprint after the rogue blonde. Katsuki was told to remain after class, the reason being the press wanted to speak to him, further prying on the kidnapping matter. Obviously, the explosive boy had many better things to do than hang out with a bunch of nosy news-reporters, doing the only thing he can whenever he's in a losing battle- run.

"Hey, Bakubro! You promised you'd chill at my dorm today!" Great, another problem poured into his overflowing cup! Just his luck, Kirishima was seen at the other end of the hallway, willing to chase after his "best friend". Katsuki didn't mind him, but during most cases, he was unbearably annoying.

There Bakugo was, Aizawa jogging on one side, Kirishima blocking the other. Fighting wasn't an option (Eraserhead, duh!), and his lungs were already starting to burn up, showing him that his energy propelling him forward was running out. He had to think of something, and fast!

Weaving in between locker stalls, left, right, left, right and left again, tactically trying to shake them off his trail, refusing to look back to see if his efforts were paying off.

It was when Katsuki was a good distance away from the 2 foxes that he bumped into a wall... Wait... make that a boy. None other than his childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya. Why of all times was he in the way?! But, even if he wasn't, Katsuki was at a dead end. He had reached the back of the hallways, nowhere else to run. He was panting, close to admitting his own defeat. But Bakugo was no quitter- he was going to find a way out!

"H-hey K-K-Kacchan! How are y-you doing?" Katsuki didn't hear him over all the thinking he was doing, for he was against the clock. He couldn't run left or he'd run straight into Aizawa, and he couldn't run right and run straight into shark boy. He was too large to fit into any of the lockers... sh*t...

He glanced around at his surroundings, performing a double-take before laying his eyes on a prized janitor closet, the door still slightly ajar, a key grasped in its lock. Relief and happiness briefly lifted Katsuki's spirits. But he could hear the voices getting closer.

If I go in and lock the door, Kirishima could easily break down the door. But that can only happen if Deku tells them I'm in here. And I can't tell him now otherwise they would probably hear my plan. So that means...

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