Autumn Walk

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Warning: this contains fluff, fluff and F L U F F

Soft Katsuki
Quiet Katsuki

[Katsuki's POV]

"Kacchan!" A boy with a beautiful mop of black and green hair skips towards me, beaming a radiant, bright smile. I stare at him, watching him waltz happily towards me, feeling his friendly vibe feed off of him.

It was the end of the day, and Deku wanted to walk around with me in the autumn weather. Me, having nothing else to do, took the offer anyway. For once, I just want to walk around with him, watch and tolerate his smile and happy chattering, though it was one of the factors I hated about him.

"Are you ready to go?" His voice was soft and sweet, but I didn't react to his question. I find myself staring into his green eyes, seeing forests and meadows all at the same time. They shone with mirth and pure joy.

Deku wraps his small pinky around mine and walks ahead, me following pursuit. Normally, it was I who did the adventuring, pushing Deku to newer and deeper depths. But, for once, I wanted to see where he'd take me, how far he has learned to dive.

I find myself being taken out of the front doors to the front quad, covered in a few crisp, auburn leaves, the majority of them swept to the side. The air was humid, a cold breeze nipping at my fingers. The figure standing now next to me shivers, obviously forgetting his jacket. Maybe I should've saved the trouble and tell him before. His finger tightens around mine.

"It's a little cold, isn't it Kacchan?" he chatters out, and I smile internally.

I slip my pinky free from his and heat my hand a little before wrapping it around his arm, providing slight yet subtle heat for it. He snuggles slightly into my body, propping himself up against my side.

"Thank you Kacchan!" he sighs, and I press my lips together, peering over my shoulder to see his relaxed expression. Our pinkies naturally conjoin back together.

We start walking again, Izuku dragging me along, humming a quiet but sweet, little tune. Sort of like who he is himself.

We walk towards the park, almost completely deserted except the few birds tweeting or leaves scraping along the floor. The hand wrapped around mine leaves, Deku now running on the still dewy grass towards a fire-looking tree, a large swarm of leaves floating from it like feathers. I walk slowly towards him, watching his face upturn towards the downpour, smiling wider as the occasional one kissed his cheeks. I think the crunch of my feet on the leaves bellow me gives my sudden appearance away because Deku starts speaking.

"The leaves are so pretty today, aren't they Kacchan?"

I don't say anything again, watching him squeeze his eyes tighter before opening them. I watch with interest, how his flushed cheeks from the cold made his freckles appear more prominent, how his eyelashes looked much larger and prettier in person, how his nose subtly twitches as a habit I had only recently found out when I payed extra-close attention.

His smile drops, but only a little. "I'll catch one for you, Kacchan!" He reaches out, attempting to catch a dainty leaf floating towards him, but but narrowly missing, the same leaf wedging itself in his fluffy hair. He laughed adorably. "It looks like it caught me!" I couldn't not laugh, finding it adorable, but I somehow escape with just a side-smile.

This side of him is really similar to one of a curious child, somehow so entranced by everything that happens around him. He soon darts of to the playground we used to hang out. Just looking at his smile makes me remember what memories we had made here, from the roundabout with me holding onto him as I used my explosions to spin it, making him giggle with joy, to the swings which I used to push him with. Fortunately, the last family left the park a moment after we entered, probably uncomfortable that I, the explosive murderer from the Sports Festival, was in there. I didn't blame them. The one true friend I have ever had was now nothing to me. Well, that's an overstatement, he was a lot more than nothing. And anyway, I'm probably nothing to him. But just this small walk is more than I could ever ask for.

"Kacchan, remember the swings? Can you push me?" I smile at him, knowing that he would want me to push him to even higher heights. A little nostalgia for me, a little freedom for him. It was a small brain refresher for the both of us. He sits himself on the swing with his back facing me, completely relaxed and trusting me. Maybe, just maybe, I did mean something to him? "Are you going to push me, Kacchan?" I smile to myself, and start pushing him gently, increasing the amount of force with each push until he was as high as the swings would let him go, tilting his head back, eyes closed and releasing adorable squeals of joy. He looked so free. Like he could do anything, regardless of the bounds. And that's exactly what he did. The proof is that he's already on the road to being the most perfect hero I can imagine. But I'll never tell him about my little pride for him.

I walk in front of him, watching him swing for a while longer, until he suddenly yells out "Kacchan, catch me!" I panicked for a split-second, watching him fly from his seat, eyes closed, full trust in me. He was living dangerously close to the edge. Walking on thin ice. But thankfully, he never fell into the sea below, because I caught him, feeling his arms wrap comfortably around my neck. "I knew you'll always catch me, Kacchan!" I sigh, relieved that he's ok.

I watch him rush over to the roundabout, turning to smile back at me almost teasingly. He wanted me to go on the roundabout with him. I fold my arms in almost protest.

"Come ooooon, Kacchan!" I roll my eyes, but join him anyway, holding onto him and spinning ourselves around, feeling him cling onto me as I used more of my explosions. His eyes were again closed, the wind from the spinning blowing his hair back, exposing his freckles and soft forehead, making him even more impossible to avoid.

We soon jump off, and Deku is still grinning happily, at peace from the time we've spent with each other. He checks his watch, and I'm surprised that it was already 7 pm. "My mum will probably be waiting for me. You know how she is!" I smile slightly, but hide it when he turns to me. "Thank you, Kacchan! For today!" I smile warmly back at him, unable to contain myself, and this only makes his widen. He leans forward for a brief second, planting a small kiss on my lips. It was a few seconds, but I felt so much out of that kiss at the same time, so much realisation and emotion, it was hard to comprehend. "A token of my thanks."

He runs off home.

Kacchan.RX has stopped working.


Be potates!


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