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Bit of a vent post. Soz, I've got something fluffy drafted though!

Fret not, I don't have bulimia (and there's nothing wrong with it). But if you do, please speak to someone. Message me and I'll definitely help out :)

Graphical descriptions

[No one's POV]

He couldn't help it this time.

"S-Sorry, I really need the bathroom! I'll finish my food in a bit!"

"But Deku! You've barely eaten anything! It's already been ten minutes! Your food will get cold!"

He could feel the food churning in his stomach, mocking him, swirling with too many calories, too much fat, too much shit that won't help him build any muscle.

"I know, Uraraka! I just... had a little too much to drink!"

The numbers were stuck in his head. An obsession with that calorie count, his decreasing weight, the litres of water he drinks to cleanse his body of impurities and sugars, the tables of fats stores in every product he eats in a week, then a custom-made menu for what he will eat every day, always a maximum of 1000 - no 800 - no 500 - no 200 calories per day.

He stumbles out of his seat, his bones groaning for calcium or vitamin D or anything that could maintain them, but dairy was permanently off the menu. He continues to blame it on his obesity, his addictive desire to lose just that little extra pound because he wanted to be just as strong as All Might, and the only way he could become a successor is by becoming lighter.

Lighter so he can move faster to save people.

'I'll do the internship!' he confirms to Aizawa. 'I'll help out at the shop!' he smiles to his mother. 'I'll help you guys out with revision!' he offers to his class. 'I want more work experience!' he cries to his mentor. Because he was a fucking hero, and he had to help as many as he could!

Maybe that's why he's had so many near-death experiences - he no longer cared for his own well-being, as a teenager who still had a long road to travel.

He tries not to look urgent.

You don't want people growing concerned about you

He couldn't let people grow concerned about him. This was his own problem, and he had to stand tall with it, because he is fooled to believe the declining numbers are a good thing! That warped image of his body from the reflection of his dress mirror was what he actually looked like! Pinching the flap of his navel and his thighs was enough to measure the receding fat and deteriorating muscle tissue, now leaving permanent blue marks that may never leave! Not to mention the clumps of hair that fall into the drain, his hideous, bulbous eyes and drooping eyebags, defined cheekbones and skeletal body. And yet why was the fat still there?

But this was his dirty little secret, and he didn't want anyone finding out.

No one can know!

No one can know.

He makes sure to check whether anyone else were in the stalls, before entering and locking himself into one. Clearly he hadn't been quiet enough. Still a stupid, dumb Deku. His friends urged him to eat at their table, and so bought him a pretty bowl of Katsudon, with a side of potato salad and chocolate pudding. He only ate the rice, luckily, and a little bit of the potato salad, but his efforts still weren't enough for the voice inside, his stomach desperately digesting the poor granules of rice and whole potatoes he deliberately didn't chew - so his body can't break it down.

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