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So my good friend explorerseel8 JUST told me that THIS is my 40th one-shot... oops...

Also, HAPPY BAKUDEKU DAYYY (My friend bakuu_deku reminded me) I will write a fluffy drabble after this (Hopefully...)

For now, enjoy this angst!

Pro heroes

It's not as bad as my Kirikami one, I swear...

[Izuku's POV]

Kacchan has been acting rather weird and over-protective.

And if I were honest, it's sort of irritating me.

I lied. It's annoying me.

I know he's my boyfriend and I should tell him how I feel instead of keeping it all up in my head, but by the way he keeps me too close to him and restricting me from too many things and just being a controlling parent... I can't help but feel angry about him.

It wasn't always like this though.

Kacchan and I have been dating for quite some time.

It initially started during the last year of UA, after my break-up with Uraraka. It was on good terms though, since I was a bi mess and we both didn't feel the click between us. Kacchan took the opportunity a month later, though, to ask me out, which I had gladly agreed to. My feelings for him dated back to almost 6 years ago, and they were as strong as ever when he returned them.

It took a while for everyone to get used to, but after we graduated, we were even closer. We hadn't rushed into anything too fast, but we were riding on a smooth road. Kacchan was all I could've ever asked for. He was a great boyfriend and a great partner. After all, what would the Wonder Duo be like without Ground Zero!

We fought crimes together, and we went on numerous dates, and we were practically inseparable.

But one incident changed that all around.

I don't remember all the details about it, but after a specific fight just 2 weeks ago, Kacchan has been... too close for comfort.

All I know was that when I woke up in the hospital, the doctor said I was unconscious for a day, my injuries were minor and that, though I didn't remember, I had passed out after being smacked into a wall. There was also a large gash on my back that wasn't too deep, but needed to be stitched in order to heal. I never got to see it though. Thanks to Kacchan.

What was most annoying, though, was that I was told everything by the doctors. I have no memory of the fight itself, and due to the hit I got, I can't remember it again.

What I did remember was the old and kind Kacchan. Not this new one that I've grown to dislike.

He never lets me go to fan meet-ups anymore, and any interviews he always rushes me out from. He never let me see my friends, and gave no reason as to why besides me having to "do as he says". Though I was perfectly able to save people, he never let me do any hero work, claiming that I still needed rest. And he refused for me to go anywhere without him watching me.

I understand if he were scared because of that incident, but this is a little too extreme. Every taste of freedom I had felt before is now gone. It wasn't even that much of a big deal, I was only out for one day! And I am healed! It was like Kacchan was the ankle weight keeping me down. He didn't want me out of his sights, and this invisible prison with suffocating boundaries he made for me was irritating.

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