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If you can't tell by the title, this is a comedy shot ;)

No quirks

[Kaminari's POV]

I shiver slightly as I enter the room. Conscious that it was late, a mere sliver of white light looming through the curtains, causing the grey bedsheets to become luminous. There was an eerie chill to the air, one that could make goosebumps and erect hairs to be cast across my skin.

Rubbing my arms a little, I pull back the covers, rolling myself onto the mattress, feeling the springs from under the sponge press against the small of my back. Even the ceiling looked alien, the warped shadows from the swaying trees outside displaying what appeared to be uninvited visitors.

Shivering for a final time from the gust of wind that blew through the window that wouldn't close, I allow my head to hit the pillow, hands wrapped around my torso as I enter a world blind to reality.

That was, until my eyes spring open again, my body jerking awake as I feel the edge of something sharp skin the exposed skin of my neck, the weight of a body that had dropped on my legs causing them to ache.

I could hardly see who was in front of me, but I could see their hooded outline or the silver glint of the blade they were holding against my throat. The urge to cry was blocked by the adrenaline surging through me.

"Any last words?"

His voice was cold, lacking emotion, the blade starting to press further against my neck.

I think I open my mouth. But then...


I couldn't help it...

The scream just came out...


I didn't know why that figure was screaming... But at least I could confirm it was a boy!






"HA! I beat you!" he exclaims, raising the hand where he held the blade up in triumph, his eyes crinkled, hiding a smug look behind a mask.

I was a little annoyed at this.

Was this guy some kind of thug outside?! Did he think this was... funny?!

"YO DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!" I seethed, pushing myself up into a sitting position and shuffling back until my back hit the headrest. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!"

Eventually, the dick in front of me realised what was going on and clears his throat. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!"

I would've laughed at the almost adorable friendliness of his voice. I maybe would've tried to be his friend! But, before I knew it, the blade was back at my neck.

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