Bed Time

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Fluff February: Week 4

Well, my fellow friends, the time has come where sacred February is over and rainy March is coming around, so we say goodbye to the floof and say hello to the regular trash I make for y'all :)

Pro Heroes

It was nice being with you February ;-;

[Izuku's POV]

My head's turned back, hot water dribbling through my hair and down my skin, loosening the tension in all of my muscles. Yeah! This is what I needed after a full day of hero work. Just feeling the water splashing on my body was enough to end the day there and then. Out of contempt, I release a sigh, closing my eyes to feel more water leap to my face, enjoying the bliss of not having any worries. At that moment, I felt like I had forgotten who I was.

It only gets better when another body joins me in the shower, cool hands slipping around my bare chest, tugging me underneath a chin. I shiver a little, but soon adjust and lean towards him. Kacchan. I tilt my head further back, flashing a lazy smile as I look at him, feeling a pair of lips press against my forehead.

"Why're you taking so long, nerd?" he askes in that same gruff tone he had when he was younger, though it had a loving and caring tone to it. What more could I expect from my husband?

I open my eyes to look at his handsome face, still blemish-free and sharp like his tongue. But, around me, he's softer than a cloud, which I love about him. My grin grows wider. "Sorry, Kacchan! I had a long day at work!"

His hands rub up and down my abdomen, chin rubbing gently into my damp curls, my own hands going up to play with his spiky hair, closing my eyes to savour the solace we were giving each other. Again, I sigh in relief, as if I were turning into mush just by Kacchan's touch.

"So, have you got an off-day tomorrow?" I just about mumble out, Kacchan's head moving to the crook of my neck, his hot breath hitting against my skin.

"Yeah, you?" I smile even wider, squinting my eyes in silent celebration.

"Yup!" Kacchan chuckles into my neck, shaking his head slightly so the tips of his hair tickle my cheek. He comes out to prop his chin on my shoulder, arms snaking tighter around my waist.

"Glad," he grunts out. "I wanna spoil you tonight, dumb nerd!" My stomach fills with butterflies, a stupid grin making its way over my lips as I lean further back. It's these moments in which Kacchan sacrifices himself for me that I adore and cherish the most!

"I can't wait, Kacchan!

We soon get out of the shower in our own time, both of us getting changed into a pair of boxers. It was pretty hot that night, so any additional layers weren't really necessary. Kacchan goes downstairs to fetch something whilst I sit on the bed with my legs crossed, looking out of the window to see the starry night sky. It was rare for the air to be so humid yet it being so dark! It was only 7! But, it was still going to be one of the many nights I won't forget.

Kacchan opens the door, only his head peaking through, and I gasp before releasing a few chuckles when my eyes rest on the rose clenched between his teeth.

"I don't normally do this romantic crap, but deal with it! I've been waiting for a time like this for ages!" I beam gratefully at him. And a little sadly too, maybe. It's true that we've not had time to do things like this. Life as a hero doesn't have a lot of breaks and, in a year, we both only have 20 days off. Well, unless you have reward leave, in which we are rewarded a day off which, miraculously, both of us got on the same day!

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