Paper Cranes

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Inspired by my crane-making projects? Pfft noooooooo!

No quirks

Sorry :(

[No one's POV]

He met him within the woodland by the forest.

He was enchanting. Round, innocent eyes flickering from the emerald canopies to his lap, back rested against the wooden bench he was seated on. His fair skin sported small freckles, neat head of curls blending perfectly to the spring-green leaves. The sun kissed his face softly, the lustre like that of a flame, to which the observer was the one drawn to it. His nimble fingers are delicately folding a blank sheet of square white paper, a sense of frailness to each of his movements, as if each fold could break apart like glass.

Katsuki never liked hospitals, especially when he'd been forced into assisting at his local one. Mostly, he hated the stench, but the constant screaming of children from the day care centre was equally as bad. It always reminded him of dying, everything inside so silent.

At that moment, he'd already managed to worm his way out of filing the documents of patients in the Orthopaedics ward, opting to take a walk around the entrance instead. And yet somehow, as if by chance, Katsuki had met eyes with the one who held a precious place in his heart.

"Do you want to make one?"

He snaps out of his odd trance, focusing in on this object that the boy was displaying.

It was a crane. A paper crane.

"No!" he sneers in strained disgust, sticking his nose in the air and walking away. Despite how breath-taking that boy looked, he never wanted to go back there again. He was too stuck-up to join in with making cranes, deeming it childish and stupid.

And yet he came back again, eyes subconsciously looking for something until resting on the same curly-haired boy.

He was at it again, folding another white sheet. It was a little later that day, around the time where visiting hours were drawing to an end, and that boy was continuing to fold cranes, a cluster of them left on his lap.

Again, he looks straight up, and Katsuki swore that innocent glance had caused something in him to snap in place, like a switch that had brought light to him.

"Tch" is all he replies with, before he makes his way back inside, pretending that nothing had happened.

This continues for at least 3 weeks.

That was, until the boy had asked a question to Katsuki.

"Why do you keep watching me?"

Katsuki had no idea to reply. Instead, he acted somewhat wiser than he actually was, pressing his lips together and not saying anything. This left a pause of silence between the two, to which green eyes finally train on red ones.

"You sure you don't want to make one?"

He couldn't find it in himself to turn the boy down, especially when he looked so sweetly at him!

So he agrees, reluctantly, might I add. He made one crane - it wasn't good, but did somewhat resemble a crane. The folds were mainly the issue. They weren't anywhere as neat as the latter's.

"Wait!" the boy says, just as Katsuki drops the origami on his lap and gets up to leave. The nagging voice at the back of his mind makes Katsuki compelled to stop and turn around to face him again. "What's you're name?"

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