Sweet and Silent

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Here's another nice one!

No quirks

[No one's POV]

He hears it again.

This time, it was just before Kirishima was about to go to sleep, his head only inches from reaching the pillow. Yesterday, it was just after he'd taken a shower and, the day before that, it was when he'd woken up from his sleep at about 5am in the morning.

How long had this gone on for? About two weeks. And in those three weeks, Kirishima could hear the most delightful and airy melodies in all his years of obsessing over the music he plays on his cassette tapes. God, he carries that Walkman around with him everywhere! Like icing and cake! But you simply can't separate Kirishima from music - it was what he sought to when things got rough.

And yet, as if an angel had heard his cries once he'd moved into a new house, he was greeted, either day or night, with the most elegant playing of some stringed instrument somewhere above his head, or outside of the window.

It had to be a violin - he was sure of it. It didn't have the mellow rumble of the cello or the richer sound of the viola. He liked the violin. Especially the way the mysterious musician played it.

Whatever he played was, for sure, improvised. It was never a classical instrument that he'd heard of. It had quite a swing to it, with flawless vibrato, sometimes energetic and fast, others slow and so beautiful that it brought Kirishima to tears.

Tonight, instead of drifting to slip to the sound of the melody, Kirishima throws back the covers that contained the warmth he radiates and reaches out for a loose cardigan that clings snugly to his body. He doesn't bother wearing shoes, knowing it was only a matter of time before the mysterious violinist vanishes into the midst of the night.

The piece was a little stranger this time. It was a mixture of major and minor, like the soundtrack to a scene in a movie that touches thousands of hearts, like the solo in a dramatic romantic piece, although not too dramatic either. Hell, Kirishima couldn't categorise it because it was so uniquely crafted - it could be considered an anomaly!

He had to be careful, now out on his balcony, his back pressed against the metal black railing behind him. One slip could be fatal. Any slip could be fatal! There was a cool nip to the air, the warmer months of Autumn now drawing to a close.

He notices a few gutter pipes that provided a decent path to help him scale the wall. He could see the brick-red tiles of his roof just above him and, after once again tightening the cardigan around his shoulders with a nervous sigh, he begins his ascent.

"Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down."

He chants to himself. He can't be tempted to look and then fall because he was well aware that he was at least fifty feet above the ground and that a fall would land him straight on the busy road below - there was no way he wouldn't get barrelled over by a four ton truck!

Ok, focus! He can't be having such disturbing thoughts right now!

But he can't help it. He was lucky he wasn't wearing socks or shoes because the sweat on the soles of his feet were what kept him stuck to that pipe, the friction it provided allowing him to clamber onto the next metal pipe, followed by a black polyvinyl chloride tube, then again by a dangerously smaller metal one, and then an off-white rope.

Did the violinist live in a house like he did? Did they have to do what he was doing right now every night? What if they didn't have the luxury of a private balcony? And how the hell do they manage to get a violin up there without falling to their death?!

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