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Hope you enjoy :)

3rd Years
Mention of Iidachako


[No one's POV]

If people thought the height difference between Tenya and Ochako was huge, maybe you should try Katsuki and Izuku.

One month into dating and the two were practically engrossed, constantly wasting any free time they had on public affection or going on another date or going in either of their dorm rooms to do... something.

There was only a slight dilemma in their relationship, quite literally the elephant in the room. Or the measurement in the room.

See, the two have a noticeable height gap. While Katsuki had a relatively tall 6'2 in height, Izuku was a measly 5'1, barely the same height as Ochako. That made him tiny in contrast to most of the men in his class. That also meant an entire foot of distance stood between the greenette and the blonde.

And this lead to... issues within their relationship.

A classic example would be handholding. Izuku would always have to raise his hand to hip level in order to hold onto Katsuki's when walking to school. It is nice how Izuku's smaller hand fits almost perfectly into Katsuki's, but not nice when his shoulder starts to ache and he has to let go before it starts cramping in the middle of the day - which has happened before. Not even One for All could save him from that.

There's also eye level. As their relationship can get quite... dramatic, it gets particularly annoying that Katsuki has to crane his neck and squat down a little in order to make eye contact when they are having their intimate moments and are trying to clear the air. Their eyes are almost their way of communication - windows to the soul - and it's no use when the eyes are too far away to read.

Walking can be difficult at times. Sometimes, if Izuku is too tired, keeping up with Katsuki's naturally long strides can be difficult. Then, it would resort to Katsuki effortlessly picking him up and walking with him, even with the muscle he'd gained with One for All. And even then, Katsuki was still the more broad-shouldered and 'manly' one. It was his stupid baby face and wide eyes that was why everyone thought he was more adorable than hot, although only Katsuki knew how hot he was.

Then there was the worst part of all - kissing. Oh no, Izuku had to be lifted or picked up in order to kiss Katsuki. He could never reach those luscious lips without needing a stool or having Katsuki to bend down to his height. Hell, if he really wanted to kiss him, he had to grab a stool or crate of some sort in order to do it. Maybe a bucket if he really wanted to. But his tiptoes weren't enough, and his jump with One for All and using air force only allowed him to stay airborne just about enough to give a little peck. Mind you, he's been figuring out how to catch Katsuki with a surprise kiss for most of his life.

Sometimes, he would complain about it, to which Katsuki would tease him, chortling something along the lines of "You don't drink enough milk, damn nerd!"

But today, he had the most adorable pout on his face, slumping back with tears in his eyes Katsuki, like a saint, wanders by and plops beside him, in a way that would make their height difference less apparent.

"Wha's the matter?" he asks, casually resting a hand across the others strong shoulders. Izuku pretends to be mad at Katsuki, despite his body reacting positively to his warmth.

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