Domestic Fluff

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Need I say more?

Atonement for the past heavy angst. Also, slightly-Halloween-themed!


Third Year
Tooth-Rotting Fluff

Actual Kirikamibakudeku

[No one's POV]

Polyamorous relationships were extremely rare. Not specific to a certain time or place but just in general.

A relationship which is between more than two people.

When the newly-renowned class 1-A was rumoured to have individuals who were part of the pride community, it had caused quite a stir, both towards the citizens across Japan and the press.

Aizawa, being the amazing homeroom teacher that we all know and love, had cut off all branches of press from investigating any further, threatening to file lawsuits for the breach in privacy. Naturally, the media stops leaching on the school, not wishing to be put out of business, the rumours swiftly dying down until it was almost forbidden to mention it.

But how did the rumours start? And, most importantly, were they rumours, or was it the truth?

Let's start with the more important one - surprisingly, the majority of class 1-A were queer!

Most were demigender, and almost all were demisexual! Minoru was one of the exceptions. Then there were a vast variety of straight, bisexual, pansexual and complete homosexuals.

Katsuki is panromantic. He has no shame in admitting it, although wouldn't announce it publicly. He didn't care too much about sexuality or gender - he claims to like whoever he wants. However, as far as labelling goes, Katsuki was male, panromantic and demisexual.

Izuku is panromantic. When he thought he was panromantic, he'd found himself blushing furiously around Ochako, and also unable to look Shoto in the eye. Of course, this was when he was in his first year. He is also gender fluid - he goes by Izumi when he feels more feminine. He was eternally grateful when people supported his choices in gender. He's also bisexual.

Denki was also very bisexual and panromantic - more of a bi mess than Izuku. Although Kyoka and Ochako were both lesbian, he couldn't help staring at how hot they looked. He did often have his R-rated fantasies, but never with his classmates in such a way. Still, he can't help but admire their figures. He's also demigender, but doesn't take it too seriously. His parents are homophobic, but don't actively show it. At times, it affects Denki but, mostly, he doesn't mind it. As mentioned, he's just your friendly neighbourhood bi mess!

Eijiro is very VERY gay. Homosexual until the ends of the earth. He's panromantic and demigender as well. He doesn't care whether Izuku felt more female than male, he'd still love her or him to bits! He loves everyone! And everyone loves him, because he's so accepting and approachable!

But I'm going on a tangent - what of polyamorous relationships?

Well, would you believe me if I told you that said four people are in a relationship?

"Aight! I got everything!" Eijiro says, kicking the front door shut behind him. What he considered as 'everything' was actually four cups of Starbucks coffee, warm pumpkin spice lattés put in the recyclable cups he'd insisted on getting several months back, when the four had moved into an apartment together.

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