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Jealous Januaryyyyy

Requested by PancakesAreMine

And yes, I did get this from SVTFOE :)

AND MY BAKUDEKU BOOK HAS BEEN RELEASED AN I LOVE IT (Tho it's angst so... reader's digression)

SLIGHT Bakukami

Get ready for some jelly ;P

[Katsuki's POV]

Fuck Kirishima.

Sorry, I'll leave that to Kaminari, but that dumbass piece of shit is the most annoying person I've ever met. Not one fucking time has he not pissed me off when he's ever in the same room as me. He's always seems so "buddy buddy" with me, but the truth behind that mask was that he was a dick. Yes, a fucking walking dick, and I want to kill him so bad!

Which is why it's time I take a little something back.

Give him a taste of his own shitty medicine.

Kirishima is a possessive and jealous person, much, as much as I hate to admit it, like myself. One time, he had come to the dorms after school, after a long day of exercise, and pulled out a snack he had gotten from a shop downtown. I was naturally peckish, so I reached out to get it, and what followed was the rather rare side of Kirishima. The side that no one in their right mind would expect from the "gem" of the class.

Actually, I think dumb Deku is the gem, but whatever.

He immediately snatched it back, and clenched his teeth impossibly tightly, his quirk activating slightly and making them look more jagged than usual. His eyes showed a flash of loathing hatred and his eyebrows were pulled so far down that they were just about touching each other. He did look intimidating, I admit, but all that anger for one fucking snack?! Adding onto that, he was capricious, so just a split second later, after me unwillingly losing the snack, he was back to his dick-like behaviour, pissing around to the point where I just had to leave.

He isn't the type to be jealous over petty things, like how someone is better than them even though he has started at nothing and had everything handed to him but he never took it all for granted, but mostly on when people touch what is his, and him having no power to stop what he was seeing. That's how I'm going to show him where it really hurts.

I wanna piss him off like he always did to me. 

And that was through Dunce Face.

Ever wonder why Kirishima is ALWAYS seen with Kaminari? Well, the answer is pretty obvious. He didn't want people to touch what was his, and if anyone were to see his possessive side, he'd be sure seen as almost villainous, or surprising, even. He was always seen as the "little angel" (Again, that goes to shitnerd), so no one would expect him to be aggressive. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. The way he ogles at Dunce Face and his smile twitches when someone so close as to ruffles his hair or give him a hug. He doesn't glare daggers or shit, but he does have some form of opposition to them for at least a day.

Of course the dumbass doesn't know a fucking thing. He's as clueless as any idiot. He's perfectly fine with Kirishima's behaviour, and I might actually think he was catching feelings for him. Blind love: we just all love it! It was nonetheless somewhat amusing for me!

And so, my devious plan begins.

"Oi! Dunce Face!" I grunt at him, in the middle of another time where my dumb class were plopped in the lounge. His stupid head looks up, and I can notice Kirishima's eyes ripped from his phone, alert for something off. This was only the beginning! "Be at my dorm!" I order, before springing to my feet, jogging up the stairs to my dorm. It took only a few moments before I heard a knock at my door, and I open it to find the idiot, pulling him inside and slamming the door shut before turning to face him.

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