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Inspired by AO3 again! Man I'm getting into AO3!

Also, this is my last one shot before I take a 3-week hiatus so... Wish me luck in my exams ;-;

⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
Depressing topics

It's a pretty wholesome one-shot thought hehe!

[No one's POV]

Izuku knew he shouldn't be doing this.

He should be going to lunch and eating with his friends. He should be laughing or being friendly with them. He should be perhaps talking to All Might about his progress with training. He should be doing literally anything else!

Not... being on the roof.

He just sits their, his back propped against the wired fence, bag placed elsewhere, his knees tucked in. One of his hands was outstretched, the soft skin of his forearm covered in a few red lines, some deep, some shallow, some scarred, some old, some freshly painted with blood. In his other arm, he adorned a sharp razor, running it down his arm slice after slice after slice.

He shouldn't be doing this.

But he had every reason to. His mind was overcrowded with thoughts: you don't deserve this quirk; you're a disappointment to everyone; you were just lucky to get into UA; you don't work hard enough; you're not compatible enough to meet the standards of a hero; you aren't a hero.

Of course, they were all stupid thoughts! Izuku was the complete reverse of all of those statements! He was probably one of the most hardest-working students at UA!

But, it's quite funny, really. The power of the human mind, and what it can do to a person.

The thoughts were so consuming and overbearing that Izuku had to do exactly this. Cut himself. It was the only outlet for him; the only method he knew, from experience, that could silence the voices in his head.

One cut - the hissing and painful buzzing in his head drowns out.

Another cut - a blissful wave washes through him and relaxes his tensed muscles.

Another - the euphoric feeling was cleansing his mind from the woes.


The rooftop access swings open aggressively, clanging against the wall beside it, causing Izuku to jump out of his skin, the shock causing the the razor to dig in further into his flesh. He grimaces in pain, tears pooling in his eyes but, now knowing that someone was on the roof, he shoves his blazer sleeve down, hiding the razor behind his bag.

Hopefully, the blood wouldn't seep through.

"Oi, Deku, you there?" yelled Katsuki, not caring if anyone else heard or not.

Just as the blonde looks around the door, Izuku is on his feet, brushing the crinkles out of his trousers and wearing another one of those fake smiles. "Y-Yes, Kacchan?"

Katsuki's eyes narrow with suspicion. "The other extras are worried about you. You haven't eaten anything."

Izuku laughs nervously. "Yeah uh... sorry a-about that! I had........... maths....... -work........"

Katsuki couldn't focus on what Izuku was saying anymore. Like a magnet, his eyes were intently focused on the blotch of red soaking the sleeve of the greenette's blazer, growing larger, though smartly hidden. His eyes then search elsewhere for any kind of sharp object, before they land on the razor subtly hidden behind Izuku's bag.

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