Five Feet at all times!

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Title is partially from Five Feet apart - a movie that will certainly make you cry!

But this isn't an angst-shot surprisingly! I'm too hot to write one!


No quirks


Although a slight warning - Kaminari loves skinship.

[Kaminari's POV]

Five feet.

That's what's blaring across the news, uttered off every teacher's lips across the school campus.

Five feet.

Sixty inches.

One hundred and fifty centimetres.

That was the policy.

Five feet apart at all times.

So there, five feet lay.

Five feet between Kirishima Eijiro, the helpless soul who lay starfished across the ground.

And me, Kaminari Denki, his boyfriend who wanted nothing more than to save him with endless cuddles and handholds until we end up in a puddle of goo.

It didn't make sense. How could they do this? How could they build such an impossible wall to get pass, high to the sky? How could they separate us like this, all for the sake of nothing but our own health? Surely they couldn't find a way around this? The air conditioning wasn't a match for this weather, but the freezer is? None of this actually makes sense!

Yaomomo walks out from the kitchen, dishing out several iced waters to everyone. She looks two ways hot, her legs sheened with sweat, the thin pink tank top she had on showcasing her cleavage, one that made my bisexual brain go insane in this heat. Much less Jiro's, who was still attempting to recover from a nosebleed in her room.

But nothing could defeat how drop-dead drooling Kirishima looked, the loose tank top revealing almost every bit of his sexy, muscular body, leaving nothing to my imagination. His legs merely adorn a pair of basketball shorts. I have to pinch my nose every now and then to ensure my own bleed is sealed. There's so much skin!

I opted for a long, thin t-shirt and some small shorts that are practically hidden, except now, when I'm sprawled uncomfortably on the couch.

It's great that they decided to cancel school. A free day of lounging around, doing nothing but cuddling with my-

Five feet.

Once again reminded, when I shift around once more, the friction between my sweaty body and the sofa burning my back. Hell, even existing was hard, the air pressing down on you like hot bricks. I even forget how to breathe, each one hurting my lungs. I was drunk with haze, my arms like lead and my eyes felt like they had paperweights attached to them, the sun a little too bright. 42 degrees was just a number. It felt like a million.

My eyes unconsciously drift to the one lying on the floor. Five feet can very easily deplete to zero feet. I want to close the space between us. Give a giant hug and squeeze the life out of him. Or just curl into him and put my nose into the warmth of his neck or the crest of his fluffy head. God he looks so good with it out! Maybe just hold his arm, or even his hand. And definitely a little kiss.

I miss the affectionate displays. Hugging a pillow is child's play in comparison. My God I miss it so much, that I catch myself near sobbing, dry tears pouring out. Hell, even my own tear ducts have evaporated it is so hot!

But not even the hottest conditions or the highest walls could separate me from my lover.

I gulp the iced water down, cubes and all, before flopping down next to Kirishima, who lazily acknowledges my presence. What he clearly didn't expect was the feeling of me narrowly missing his glass of water as I break the five foot divide, stooping down to press a cold kiss to his lips. It's a bummer that my lips heat up, but it's nothing compared to the buzzing of my mind sedating, my heart thumping a little faster and the rush of bliss that shoots through me, making me wilt a little, in the way that a sunflower does in the wind.

Kirishima reciprocates with a fever, probably because my lips were cold, moving so fast that I couldn't keep up. His hot tongue slips slyly into my mouth, sizzling in the cool cavern. My hands reach for his head, threading through the cooler locks as I sigh, my body unconsciously going closer as I press further into the ki-

I'm flung across the room, a searing pain bleeding into my skin as it rubs against the floor. I think I whimper, in a way to show that I was going to cry, but I do toss a mean glare at the one who threw me. Kirishima had thrown me off of him. That hurt in more ways than physically.

"KAMI!" he squawks, sitting upright to drink some water, a few droplets spilling and trickling down his neck. Damn it, I'm crushing hard, and I'm the one dating him!

But somehow, to deviate from my dirty thoughts, a delayed brain freeze kicks in, and I squirm vigorously, pressing my temples as I only get hotter.

The fan just continues to push hot air into my face.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" he exclaims through my suffering. Luckily, the worst had surpassed.

"I dunno," I say, feigning nonchalance as I shrug, "I just really wanted to kiss you."

Kirishima pretends to look unimpressed, but I could tell he understood as well. And he also wanted to show affection.

"I love you," I say in a pout, blowing a kiss into the wind as I hug myself in a way to show I was hugging Kirishima. Had conditions been different, I'd have koala-hugged Kirishima. But noooo the weather just had to be a bastard.

"I..." he started, fidgeting with his hands a little after setting his glass down. He normally did that when he wasn't sure on what to do, or really wanted to do something but felt like he shouldn't.

But he makes the decision anyway, his pinky twirling around my own. It was a way to respect the merciless weather but also to show affection. My heart practically evaporates, and I tear up a little. Because even despite the weather, we could still find way to show our love for one another.

"I love you," he says, and I squeeze back because I know it's true.

But only once.

I'm far too exhausted.

I am too, I woke up at 11am and was slowly drifting to sleep. Even now. But at least I can upload this, particularly on the hottest day of all time in the UK.

Here's to f**king up our planet!

Be potates!


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