
316 8 13


Two words: Adrien Agreste


Good luck...

[No one's POV]

Today was the day.

Katsuki has been preparing for this day for months, so much so that his own heart couldn't be contained in his chest. He could feel the sweaty palms and the adrenaline and... shit, did he need to pee?!

Oh God he couldn't do this! But of course he could! He's Bakugo Katsuki! But... feelings were his weakness!

How the hell was he going to confess to Midoriya Izuku?!

The relationship they had was something fragile and steady. It had barely gotten into the swing of something remotely close to friendship, though Katsuki's pride still got in the way.

That, and his disgusting, stupid, heart-throbbing feelings for dumb Deku!

Even now, moments before the end of class, Katsuki could feel his heart hammering away, blood rushing to his cheeks as his lungs get a little smaller, making each breath ache, and his throat clog up with a lump of nerves. He struggles swallowing it back into the depths of hell, massaging his temples in attempts to simmer down the freshly-forming headache.

He had to calm down! How the heck was he supposed to confess if he can't wait without feeling that sickening rush of butterflies that make him dizzy!?

The bell, after an agonising eternity, rings out, signalling the start of lunch, and the students of 1-A swiftly pack their bags, engaging in friendly chat as they discuss after-school plans. Katsuki watches the desk behind him out of the corner of his eye and was greeted with the glorious sight of Deku completely unpacked, talking with Tenya about training at the gym later that day. That means, when everyone leaves the room, if he packs extra slow, he could confess! And, if he somehow faces the harsh slap of rejection, he could play it off and keep his head down in class to ignore him.


God, even thinking about it sent shivers down his spine. He didn't want to believe it could happen, but there was of course that risk that his feelings weren't reciprocated.

He shakes his head, focusing on the little details to take his attention elsewhere, counting the chewed pencils and half-used pens in his pencil case before zipping it shut, shoving it in his bag along with the two binders and three exercise books. It was only after he slung it over his shoulder and the class had become silent that he turned around.

Only to find the nerd not there.

Damn it...

He bolts out before he could shit himself, running towards the cafeteria where Deku was probably strolling with that stupid grateful grin on his face, or was at least mumbling like the damn idiot he was!

An idiot who could pack his bag at lightning speed! Probably because he's always taking notes after class and has gotten used to it! How the heck would Katsuki have known!?

As about 90% of the time, Katsuki was proven right, though the nerd was both mumbling and grinning, maybe coming down to a conclusion on something that was troubling him before. Now would be a great time to do it!

Katsuki may be smart, but he's also extremely brash and emotionally constipated. So, anything relating to emotions or being honest, particularly with that dumb Deku, he'd always take the most violent approach. That, sadly, included now, shoving the poor nerd against the lockers, pinning him firmly enough to force those giant creepy green eyes on him. The Gods were watching over him, clearly, as not a soul walked that corridor - it was just him, the idiot, and the little bastards he called feelings.

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