What You Mean to Me

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Here's to my comfort ship :D

Pro Heroes

[No one's POV]

It was a cold day. Not freezing, but not quite in the middle either. Just cold enough for a blanket to be enough to keep someone warm. Or, at least for the Wonder Duo, another body.

It was sunny as well. The curtains were drawn open, the sunlight and the clear cerulean sky leaking colour all throughout their living room, the hushed voice of a man presenting a nature documentary on birds playing quietly on the TV in front of the couch. And, laying comfortably on the couch, was Katsuki and his loyal and cuddly husband, Izuku.

They were basking on the off-day that they were rewarded with, snuggling mostly because these moments where they were both off were so rare. Hero work was enjoyable, but came with a few inconveniences. One was the frequent hospital trips, mostly from Hero Deku when he took things too far. The other was having to work at ungodly hours and, with the two both with a lack of understanding on the issues with overworking past bed time and with no one to look out for them, it was occasional for them both to take off. After all, what would come of the world if the Wonder Duo were out of office?

As of now, however, things were quiet and peaceful. No deafening sounds of Katsuki's explosions or bones breaking, no powerful yells of determination or shrieks of victory, no destruction or sirens splitting eardrums. Nothing.

It was nice.

A nice change.

Katsuki was currently fiddling with the golden band fixed around Izuku's ring finger. It was nothing fancy - he didn't want to get anything fancy. It just wasn't very Bakugo-like. He didn't even try too hard when actually doing the proposal. He smiles in amusement, remembering his former jittery self clutching the velvet box with clammy hands like a lifeline, only to then drop to one knee in public whilst Izuku chomped away at his dinner, his fork clattering loudly against his bowl and plenty of other around them pulling phones out and recording as Katsuki proudly 'asks' the words "Marry me, nerd."

It was dumb. It was stupid. It was straight-forward. It was Katsuki. And Izuku, being Izuku, drops off his chair, dramatically sobbing and babbling out how much he adored his fiancé-at-the-time.

They really haven't changed.

He looks back even further. Back to before Izuku confessed that he liked Katsuki, to when the two where hopelessly pinning on each other. It was more amusing thinking about how blatantly obvious they were being around each other - Mina was kind enough to make an entire video on every scenario she caught of them being oblivious. Said video was projected to all attendees at their wedding.

There was a key moment Katsuki remembered all too well, surprisingly not one Mina had caught on camera! It was Izuku's turn to do the dishes, back when dishing duty was a thing in the UA dorms. He was busying himself with cleaning a few plates, always refusing to use the dishwasher, and Katsuki had walked in on him nearly finishing up, later looking to his right to see a few more grimy mugs left out. Dumb extras, not bothered putting their shit in the sink! It was probably Denki being lazy! So, to announce his presence, Katsuki called out to the nerd, Izuku jumping out of his skin and releasing a cute yelp. A plate slipped from between his bare hands, cracking against the tiled floor. They both stood around it momentarily, the one shared braincell they had completely unsure of what to do. Izuku took the initiative, crouching down and picking up a few pieces. Katsuki immediately yelling about how stupid he was to pick up sharp shards with bare hands. Somehow, Izuku managed to clear up the mess although, once he'd taken the broom to sweep up the kitchen, because God was Izuku a kind soul, garnet eyes instantly catch the liquid crimson dripping down the handle. So, whilst tugging his ear, Katsuki took Izuku to his dorm, cleaning the large gash across the soft palm and dressing it with the bandages in his portable medical kit. What was so stupid of Katsuki was him not joining the dots, for Izuku had stared, completely entranced, at the violent hands delicately tending to his wound. What about when Izuku had spewed out an adorable apology, his cheeks kissed a soft pink? Apparently, it was just hot, but it was also winter. Whatever it was, it was the first time Izuku had seen Katsuki's genuine caring side, which was why it had meant so much to him.

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