The Thing About Mornings

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Time for some super floof!

No quirks

[No one's POV]

Kirishima was first to wake up, struggling as he blinked the light out of his eyes. It wasn't the blindingly bright kind of light that burns at the back of your head.


This was a gentle kind. The one that shone warmly behind the curtains, kissing against the walls that glowed with a slight orange hue.

He could hear the birds chirping outside through the double-glazed windows, the cold air brushing its fingers against Kirishima's shoulder, which was just about peaking out of the comfort of the bedsheets. Besides that small prickling chill at his shoulder, Kirishima was warm. Hot, even!

There, bundled in his arms and curled into his chest, was his sleeping boyfriend, his canary hair shimmering valuably in the morning light. The smallest of pouts was placed on his lips - probably at Kirishima's stirring - and he grumbles faintly, his arms squeezing tighter around the larger torso. They were both nestled into each other, legs tangled and rubbing against naked thighs.

None of this was, by any means, sexual. It was just... pleasant, feeling tickles trickle up their backs, forcing every muscle fibre to relax.

Kirishima starts to actually wake up, his lazy breathe quickening, but still not at a 'normal' speed, his sausage-like fingers snaking up to the blonde mess of hair splayed across the white and crinkled pillows, ruffling them affectionately. They felt soft between his coarse fingers, slipping softly against them.

Soon enough, the latter stirs awake, his bleary and blurred eyes clearing as they bestow upon cherry eyes, glazed with pure sweetness. His golden eyes struggle to remain awake, so they flutter back shut, earning a few chuckles that vibrate through the ribcage his cheek was nuzzled to. Though his eyes were closed, he shuffles up the muscly arm behind his head, pressing a small yet messy peck to Kirishima's lips.

Considering he couldn't see them, he wasn't too far off, but, baring in mind that he knew the mapping of Kirishima's face perfectly well, from the exact shape of his jawline to the plump roundness of his cheeks, it was no surprise how on-target he was.

Kirishima shifts his arm into a more comfortable position, the covers ruffling softly.

"G'mornin, Kami," he coos, his nose dropping down to the citrus mop. Of course, it smelt nothing like lemons or oranges. Just of the mint-scented shampoo they had switched to a while back.

Kaminari merely grunts in response, his fingers curling into the thin cotton fabric they were clutching to. And, as if he wasn't close enough already, his cheek squishes further against his boyfriend.

Kirishima couldn't do anything more than stay like that. Allow the two of them to remain a mess of limbs a little longer. He didn't want to move from that position, though feeling the itching desire to pull his bed socks, which were slipping off, back on correctly didn't get any less noticeable.

Seconds pass. Maybe even minutes? Potentially an hour! But, by then, the two koalas were awake, pressing sweet kisses to their cheeks; the corners of their mouths, their cold noses.

They decided to separate from their embrace, but their hands immediately lace back together. Kirishima's thumb rub against the soft skin on the back of Kaminari's hands, pressing his lips against both eyelids and feeling his heart melt as they open to reveal the most priceless, honey-coloured irises that remained engraved in his memory.

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