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Hello... I have a choir performance in a few days and my nerves are buzzin...

Pro Heroes

[No one' POV]

There was tension in the air, even more so when a deafening explosion shatters through the ground.

The fight was nothing unusual – just delinquents stepping out of line and causing havoc to the peak hours at Hosu city. No civilians were injured (thankfully) but the pavement had been exfoliated and a few windows had been broken. Luckily, pro heroes Red Riot and Chargebolt were on the case!

Kaminari takes a side glance to his partner, watching as his grimace turns into a confident smile once his cherry-red eyes meet his own. He couldn't help but mirror an equally confident smile back.

Another explosion sounds, interrupting the moment and breaking the two out of their trances, their hands slipping out from one another as they stretch out their limbs and bolt out, arms flayed back in a battle stance. There were potentially more than twenty villains disrupting the working city, so this fight was bound to be more of a challenge, but nothing that the two couldn't handle. Still, back-up was there in case things went wrong.

The duo kick-start the battle with Kaminari sending a million volts through the ground at a radius careful enough to only affect the war zone and not any other citizens. Kirishima had scarcely hardened himself and, though he had still felt some of the shock, it wasn't nearly as much as the five villains that were caught in the crossfire, their brains fried as they crumble to the ground. At that, the rebels were visibly more fearful, though the minority had expected no less and even had expressions of disappointment.

Swiftly followed was Kirishima kicking the ground, a few rocks upturning and already making the terrain more difficult for the oppositions to use.

The disadvantage that pro heroes had, with any battle, was that they had no idea what the villains' quirks were, yet the others did. If anything, they could've spent their time on this attack researching what their special moves and patterns in combat were - but that was only if the attack were serious. However, the more the two had fought and knocked each one down, and each one had gotten back up to attack again, the more they begin to think that this wasn't just another rebellious act.

This might actually be a serious fight.

Kirishima yelps a little, getting too close to an explosion, the hairs of his back being singed by its scorching heat. That was only followed by a kick to his ribs, a few audible cracks confirming that he had at least fractured a few of them. The initial blow caused him to scream a little, his back slamming to the ground once he loses his balance. Kaminari had momentarily dropped his guard, eyes darting worriedly to his lover, only to shriek when a massive blast of wind from a strength-enhanced villain had knocked him backwards. It then became more obvious that they had memorised their moves when Kaminari launches himself off the wall at a fast pace, a fist taking a blow at his face a moment before he was going to activate his quirk. That sent him flying into Kirishima, who had gracefully caught him, the two taking a few steps away from the war zone to recompose themselves.

The villains who had been cause in Kaminari's first attack were back on their feet long ago, seeming to have some kind of tolerance to his shocks. However, they hadn't nearly felt all of his wrath. Though it would cost him braincells, and maybe his capability to think coherently, Kaminari had figured that, in order to win this battle, he had to go all out.

He didn't want any one else to be dragged into this.

Why couldn't he use this at the start of the battle? Well, first off, he couldn't just suddenly force himself to produce an immense exertion of electricity - his body wouldn't cope and he could seriously injure himself. It was why he had to work his way up to this point. Then, there was the obvious reason - the shock wouldn't be as controlled as ones of a smaller magnitude. Of course, the shock does travel through air, so even if the villains jump, they would still be caught. However, not only will it put Kirishima in danger of being hurt but it could affect civilians, as the radius wouldn't be as small as usual.

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