What Lovers Do

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So here is something wholesome, in honour of Kirikami day!!! WHOOOOOPPPP!!!



I'm still not over the events of yesterday and I never will be...

[No one's POV]

If there is one thing that Kirishima has learned in his time at UA, it's that dating isn't as simple as it sounds.

When he was younger, he'd always thought that dating, whether it be a straight or gay or even poly, has similar concepts and a fixed routine. He'd always thought, after seeing a few girls going out with guys in his Middle school years, that couples kiss when they see each other and hold hands as they walk from class to class and only act like a couple when they were alone with each other, in the absence of friends. Dates as well, he thought, was meant to be romantic, and he'd once helped his guy friend set up his first date, that being a candle-lit café decorated with petals across the two-seater table. Even more than that, he thought it was obligated to spend for your partner, buying them trinkets of love and handbags or clothing or cute things for their birthday, or even Valentine's day.

For a long time, he thought that there was a rulebook for dating someone. Guidelines to follow. But joining UA and seeing the different couples, he'd realised that, surprisingly, he was completely wrong!

When he'd joined, there were already two couples in the class. One was between Iida and Uraraka, and another between Mina and Sero. Their dynamics were quite different, which he figured as much. Whilst Mina and Sero were quite exuberant, walking around with giddy smiles and shoving each other playfully, Iida and Uraraka were a little less so. They were more of a pair who pick on one another, Uraraka teasing Iida for keeping a lifetime supply of glasses in his room, Iida picking on Uraraka for being two minutes late, despite Aizawa always rolling in ten minutes past that.

As he got to know them, Kirishima had started to notice subtle differences in their physical behaviour around each other.

With Mina and Sero, whenever they did go out on a date, they were sure to tell everyone. Mina would always squeal about it with the girls, and Sero would start bragging about his girlfriend, earning a sharp smack to the head from Bakugo. They would also be not so 'romantic' in public, although do openly flirt and mess around with one another. What was most strange about their relationship was that them being flirty and mushy at the lunch table didn't make the guys around them cringe or feel awkward - if anything, it enhances a more playful atmosphere. And neither of the two minded if Kirishima or Bakugo or Kaminari teased or retorted at the other.

With Uraraka and Iida, it was a little more quiet. Fangirling was more subtle for Uraraka and she would talk in a flustered manner, hiding half of the butterflies in her stomach. With Iida, however, he hardly talks about it. In fact, if he ever did, it was mostly because he was nervous, capricious over what dress he should wear or whether he should go overboard and gel his hair - occasionally Kirishima was the one to help out with this. Uraraka was the more affectionate one, pressing kisses and squeezing hands during break or passing each other in the hallways. Iida blushed each time, but most of the affection he gave her happened outside of public. It made sense!

Kirishima thought, after his observations, that that was all there was to dating - making it either public or private among the pair and others.

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