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Quick summary for everyone, they have travelled to the beach for a day... if it isn't obvious by the storyline...

No quirks

[Izuku's POV]

I hop off the coach, thanking the driver once again before clutching onto the straps of my bag. It was fortunate that the sun was shining today, and it was pretty hot too. Luckily, the coach had AC, so we weren't completely baked! It was around 11, so there were quite a few people out, lounging on the sand or paddling in the sea.

I'd say getting here was a pretty chaotic journey. We had to get to school normal time to take a short lesson in the morning, but finally, we had to take a 2-hour journey to the beach. I had rechecked my back for all the stuff I needed to bring too many times, that I even memories what is in my bag: a towel, sun cream, shades, tissues, a cap and a bottle of water. Getting onto the coach was annoying, people literally barging through to get the best seats... well mostly Kacchan's friends. I ended up sitting next to Uraraka, which isn't too bad. I couldn't get sleep though, she was pretty enthusiastic. We had to make a stop in the middle because one of the tires had a puncture and Mineta needed to pee, but the ride was mostly smooth.

And it was worth the wait, because the beach looked amazing! The slight isolation made it even better for my class. I couldn't help feeling a little thrill here.

"Guys we're here! Let's take our shirt's off and g-"

"Kirishima, calm yourself!" Mr Aizawa glares at him coldly, still bundled in bandages and wearing a black cloak despite the hot weather. At least he could've lightened up for today! "We came here for you all to have fun, but if I see any violent or idiotic behaviour happening today, I will make you sit in the coach and retake your End of Year Theory Exam on the History of UA's architecture. Regardless of what score you have!" I swear the whole class shudders at his irritated manner. "Besides that, do whatever you want."

The majority of my class took this as a green flag to leave from the group and get in the ocean, so almost immediately after Mr Aizawa finishes his sentence, they all bolt out, shrieking in joy and already removing clothing to reveal their bathing suits and swimming costumes. All that remained here was myself, Iida, Todoroki and Tokoyami, as well as Mr Aizawa himself, who was already heading back to the coach to sleep... probably.

"So... what are you guys planning to do?" I hesitantly ask, looking at the other guys here. They all give me a questioning look.

"We're going to the ocean, what else?! It's too hot to just lounge in the sand!" Iida exclaims, and I feel something drop in my stomach.

"Yeah, besides taking pictures, I'll mostly be in the water. Why not you join us, Midoriya?" Todoroki adds on, almost analysing me in a way. I feel myself shift uncomfortably.

"O-Oh... I'll probably just be... relaxing in the sand! You know me... haha! You guys go ahead and have fun! I-I won't stop you!" I sounded really uncertain about the things coming out of my mouth. Thank god none of the others paid attention. They all shrug and walk off, removing their shirts as they walk closer towards the water.

Leaving just me. Alone. Just like in the beginning.

I walk alone to a secluded part of the beach, setting myself down on an area of dry sand a few feet from the sea. It's not that I don't like water! It's just that I don't want others to see my bare body.

I cross my legs, feeling the small sand tickle my skin up to my swimming shorts, my white t-shirt slightly ruffling in the wind. I take a pencil, examining the tip slightly, and pull out my notepad, dropping it open on my lap. I'm not much of an artist, but I still find small enjoyment sketching others, picturing the moments where they have smiles and laughs. I guess it makes me happy too!

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