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Fun fact: I am a firm believer in Traitor Kami! This is one of the first ideas I've had for Kirikami! But, generally, I love this AU!!!

Heavy angst

[Kaminari's POV]

It wasn't a normal start to the day, though it was a weekend. A laid-back weekend, for most. It was sunny outside, and everyone else was taking advantage of the beautiful weather. But not me. I didn't think I deserved it.

I felt like it was branded across my forehead. Each day, I feared that someone would point it out in public.

That I was the traitor of UA.

I wish it wasn't me. I would've given anything to not be the notorious backstabber of Class 1-A. I hate myself, but I hardly had a choice!

It had been a while since the last attack, so no one was really looking for the traitor anymore. But I feel like I was giving myself away. I feel myself acting weirdly around people.

The closest shave I had was with Kirishima. It was even before that day, but I remember him talking about the traitor. He was so passively angry. At this mysterious figure whom he had no clue was sitting next to him. Did he think it was a teacher? Or even a student? I don't know, but I hate knowing that whoever it was is being framed.

And that it was, in truth, me.

His face held so much fury. He loathed the fact that someone was betraying such a wonderful class. All of his classmates. Jeopardising the safety and reputation of UA for their own selfish needs.

Of course, I wasn't just doing this for my own fun. Nothing about this was fun!

I know it is selfish. I know I should've just told a teacher. They threatened to kill me. I should've told the teachers. But I end up putting all my classmates in danger.

I have to keep pretending. Lying. Faking smiles and laughs. I'm alright. I'm normal. I'm a student at UA.

I'm not a traitor.

There is so much that I regret. I hate myself so much. I want to go back and pretend I never gave any information. I remember the looks of terror on their faces. With was supposed to be a normal summer camp.

I had to ruin it for them!

I was the reason the press turned against UA!

I was the reason my classmates were horrified that day!

I-I WAS THE REASON MY BEST F-friend... got kidnapped...

I was so caught up in my fear that I... just gave away my BEST friend's location like that!

I hate myself so much.

I didn't deserve their love. Their happiness.

So disgusted and sick of myself.

I'm cracking under the burden of keeping dangerous secrets on top of my own self-hate.

I... I don't know how long I will l-last!

I hadn't realised Kirishima had walked in, plopping down beside me and shaking my shoulder. I guess he was concerned because I didn't go outside. Even more so, maybe, because I was hiding my face in my hands.

I didn't deserve that worry.

"Kami? Are you ok?"

I hadn't realised he had turned my head to face him. Nor had I realised that I was crying. I could only feel the dampness of my cheek when he gasped, my eyes opening to see a blurred image of care.

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