(A Heart to Heart)

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Just an FYI, I thought I could leave this at the top of the contents page, since this is important.

Written: 25/01/2021 (UK)

I think most of you might be confused for the random update (this will be permanent btw). But I'll explain what's going on.

This is sorta important and has been on my mind for a bit, so I feel like I have to get it across because I think that I would fail as an author if I didn't.

I will be mentioning some triggering topics in this, so for all you light-hearted readers who skip all the angsty one-shots, this is your queue to leave (there is still an update normal time!) 🥔❤

Thank you to the rest of you guys for sticking around.

I've noticed that very few authors have done this, but I feel like I should also be doing this.

Most of my angst shots, as you know, have triggering or depressing topics, and I should address a matter with ALL my writing as a whole, including my stories. For example, the Bakudeku book I've written, or certain one-shots. 

Please know that I do NOT promote any of these topics.

I'm being serious about this, it isn't a joke. I purely write these because I, for some reason, enjoy writing angst, and if most of you haven't noticed, I love writing horrible angst that has some kind of bright side to it. For example, "I don't wanna go". I want to give some form of hope to other readers, I guess, to show that everything isn't hopeless, but on the rare occasion, I enjoy making the reader hurt if a character dies (hehehe!). It just give a bit more flavour to some plots!

I'm going to be a bit personal and honest for a bit (it's a lot harder than it seems).

One of the main reasons as to why I've started Wattpad, mainly, is to make a small haven for myself as well, where my realities come true. There is nothing wrong with my life besides how I see it (no one is abusing or drastically bullying me so don't worry), meaning it is exactly as it sounds. I'm depressed.

Some of these one-shots are build off my mood, so if I'm feeling down, I might write something angsty. The 2 one-shots before this were all angsty with no happy ending, so you can put 2 and 2 together and know how I was feeling. They are also build off some real life experiences, for example, "Hold your Breath" was partially from when my house was robbed. "Pain and Shame" was also, as I said, a random idea I had when I was in my dad's new taxi. It's also built with my imagination and, as I've mentioned, random ideas I have. It's what the majority of my fluff-shots are.

I think I'm going slightly off topic, but there's some information. I guess I want to apologise for seeming like I promote these angst triggering ideas because I DO NOT!

If you have any kind of PTSD and you want to talk about it, I am here. Same for if things are down in your life and you want to vent it out, or have someone like myself listen to you, or if you just want someone to talk to and take stuff off your mind. I'm not saying this as "just words" to make myself look good, I'm being serious, and I can't stress that enough. It's not "embarrassing" and "impossible" to reach out and no one would judge you, as some of my books/one-shots may have implied. Please know it is just fiction, and the reality is that you are not alone!

Even so, I'm not forcing you to tell me, but only if you're somewhat comfortable. I'm also struggling to talk to other people (which is why I resorted to writing because I find it almost as comforting), but I try to, and even engaging into a friendly conversation is enough to help!

Do not ever resort to suicide or self harm. From past experience, it is a bad habit to cut, and it may give slight pleasure (unless your a masochist then go ahead I guess), but it will become addicting and I don't want to know what that would lead to. I haven't gone far with self harm, both in my writing and in real life, and I have stopped (so don't worry), but I definitely don't support it. There are many other healthier ways around it, and I know it might seem hopeless to some people, but there is ALWAYS some kind of help near by.

I understand why people would want to commit suicide, and the reasons can vary, but it is NEVER the answer. It scared me still to think people think dying is a good idea if their life is bad. It's not. We are given a life for a reason, and even if everything seems pointless or painful, it never is. There is always at least one thing in your life that is worth living for, and if you don't know what it is, then there are people out there that can help you find it. 

I am one of them.

Thank you for all those who've read this, it really means a lot that you give your time for these updates. I did mean for this to be serious, hence the lack of joke, but hey, you made it to the end, and you guys get my infinite admiration ^w^

Please keep all that in mind if it applies to you, and if not, I really appreciate you reading all of that. To all of you, I love you, genuinely, because this proves not only how lovely you guys are, but that you actually take the time to read this.

Thank you! Thank you! And another million times, THANK YOOOUUUU!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

There is still an update coming in 2 days, so hope you can all somewhat look forward to that - I'm planning another angst, but after a slightly angsty and lemony one. Those are purely because one is a request and the other is an idea I've had with my friend, and I'm scared I'm gonna forget it, so imma write it pfft.

Thank you again, and see you next time!

Sending potato love! ❤🥔


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